diff --git a/locales/en/plugin__odf-console.json b/locales/en/plugin__odf-console.json
index 7e492cf5e..7a119742d 100644
--- a/locales/en/plugin__odf-console.json
+++ b/locales/en/plugin__odf-console.json
@@ -1156,6 +1156,10 @@
"Search a bucket by name": "Search a bucket by name",
"Create bucket": "Create bucket",
"Browse, upload, and manage objects in buckets.": "Browse, upload, and manage objects in buckets.",
+ "Could not load information": "Could not load information",
+ "The browser cannot connect securely to this endpoint because it does not recognize the SSL certificate. This occurs when the certificate of the endpoint is not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).": "The browser cannot connect securely to this endpoint because it does not recognize the SSL certificate. This occurs when the certificate of the endpoint is not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).",
+ "To establish a connection with the endpoint, try the following methods:": "To establish a connection with the endpoint, try the following methods:",
+ "<0><0>1. Recommended:0> Replace the internal certificate with one issued by a public or custom Certificate Authority (CA). See the <3>OpenShift documentation3> for guidance.<6>6><7>2. Alternative method:7> Add the internal CA bundle of OpenShift Container Platform to the trust store of your system. This ensures that the browser recognises the internal certificate. <10>(<1>ConfigMap:1> default-ingress-cert in <3>Namespace:3> openshift-config-managed)10>.<12>12><13>3. Temporary (Least recommended):13> Open the endpoint in a new tab (<15>click here to open the S3 route15>) and click <17>Continue to site17> (wording may vary by browser) to bypass the security warning. Then refresh the Data Foundation tab.0>": "<0><0>1. Recommended:0> Replace the internal certificate with one issued by a public or custom Certificate Authority (CA). See the <3>OpenShift documentation3> for guidance.<6>6><7>2. Alternative method:7> Add the internal CA bundle of OpenShift Container Platform to the trust store of your system. This ensures that the browser recognises the internal certificate. <10>(<1>ConfigMap:1> default-ingress-cert in <3>Namespace:3> openshift-config-managed)10>.<12>12><13>3. Temporary (Least recommended):13> Open the endpoint in a new tab (<15>click here to open the S3 route15>) and click <17>Continue to site17> (wording may vary by browser) to bypass the security warning. Then refresh the Data Foundation tab.0>",
"Create Bucket": "Create Bucket",
"An object bucket is a cloud storage container that organizes and manages files (objects), allowing users to store, retrieve and control access to data efficiently.": "An object bucket is a cloud storage container that organizes and manages files (objects), allowing users to store, retrieve and control access to data efficiently.",
"Select bucket creation method": "Select bucket creation method",
diff --git a/packages/ocs/dashboards/common/details-card/encryption-popover.tsx b/packages/ocs/dashboards/common/details-card/encryption-popover.tsx
index 815f89c62..be3a35810 100644
--- a/packages/ocs/dashboards/common/details-card/encryption-popover.tsx
+++ b/packages/ocs/dashboards/common/details-card/encryption-popover.tsx
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {
- TimesCircleIcon,
+ RedTimesIcon,
} from '@odf/shared';
import { StorageClusterKind } from '@odf/shared/types';
import { useCustomTranslation } from '@odf/shared/useCustomTranslationHook';
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type EncryptionPopoverProps = {
const StatusIcon: React.FC<{ enabled: boolean }> = ({ enabled }) =>
- enabled ? : ;
+ enabled ? : ;
const getKmsTypeDescription = (encryptionKMSType: string, t: TFunction) => {
let provider = '';
diff --git a/packages/odf/components/s3-browser/buckets-list-page/bucketsListPage.tsx b/packages/odf/components/s3-browser/buckets-list-page/bucketsListPage.tsx
index 8acaaf582..46753b9ea 100644
--- a/packages/odf/components/s3-browser/buckets-list-page/bucketsListPage.tsx
+++ b/packages/odf/components/s3-browser/buckets-list-page/bucketsListPage.tsx
@@ -13,16 +13,24 @@ import { Button, ButtonVariant, Flex, FlexItem } from '@patternfly/react-core';
import { SyncAltIcon } from '@patternfly/react-icons';
import { BUCKET_CREATE_PAGE_PATH } from '../../../constants';
import { BucketCrFormat } from '../../../types';
+import { isCAError, CAErrorMessage } from '../ca-error/CAErrorMessage';
import { NoobaaS3Provider } from '../noobaa-context';
import { BucketsListTable } from './bucketListTable';
import { BucketPagination } from './bucketPagination';
-const BucketsListPageBody: React.FC = () => {
+type BucketInfo = [BucketCrFormat[], boolean, any];
+type BucketsListPageBodyProps = {
+ bucketInfo: BucketInfo;
+ setBucketInfo: React.Dispatch>;
+const BucketsListPageBody: React.FC = ({
+ bucketInfo,
+ setBucketInfo,
+}) => {
const { t } = useCustomTranslation();
const [fresh, triggerRefresh] = useRefresh();
- const [bucketInfo, setBucketInfo] = React.useState<
- [BucketCrFormat[], boolean, any]
- >([[], false, undefined]);
const [buckets, loaded, loadError] = bucketInfo;
const [allBuckets, filteredBuckets, onFilterChange] =
@@ -69,11 +77,21 @@ const BucketsListPageBody: React.FC = () => {
-const BucketsListPage: React.FC = () => {
+const BucketsListPageContent: React.FC = () => {
const { t } = useCustomTranslation();
+ const [bucketInfo, setBucketInfo] = React.useState([
+ [],
+ false,
+ undefined,
+ ]);
+ const [_buckets, _loaded, loadError] = bucketInfo;
+ if (isCAError(loadError)) {
+ return ;
+ }
return (
+ <>
{t('Create bucket')}
@@ -82,7 +100,18 @@ const BucketsListPage: React.FC = () => {
{t('Browse, upload, and manage objects in buckets.')}
+ >
+ );
+const BucketsListPage: React.FC = () => {
+ return (
diff --git a/packages/odf/components/s3-browser/ca-error/CAErrorMessage.tsx b/packages/odf/components/s3-browser/ca-error/CAErrorMessage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..971ad9f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/odf/components/s3-browser/ca-error/CAErrorMessage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { NoobaaS3Context } from '@odf/core/components/s3-browser/noobaa-context';
+import { RedTimesCircleIcon } from '@odf/shared';
+import { DOC_VERSION } from '@odf/shared/hooks';
+import { useCustomTranslation } from '@odf/shared/useCustomTranslationHook';
+import { ExternalLink } from '@odf/shared/utils';
+import { Trans } from 'react-i18next';
+import {
+ EmptyState,
+ EmptyStateHeader,
+ EmptyStateBody,
+ EmptyStateIcon,
+ EmptyStateVariant,
+} from '@patternfly/react-core';
+const customCADocLink = (docVersion: string) =>
+ `https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/${docVersion}/security/certificates/replacing-default-ingress-certificate.html`;
+// In a browser environment, the error objects returned by AWS SDK do not include granular information about TLS or certificate-specific issues.
+// Hence relying on error "name" and "message" content.
+export const isCAError = (error: Error) => {
+ const errorMessage = error?.message.toLowerCase();
+ const errorType = error?.name;
+ if (
+ ['TypeError', 'NetworkingError', 'NetworkError'].includes(errorType) &&
+ (errorMessage.includes('certificate') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('authority') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('ssl') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('tls') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('self-signed') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('self signed') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('failed to fetch') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('load failed') ||
+ errorMessage.includes('network'))
+ )
+ return true;
+ return false;
+export const CAErrorMessage: React.FC = () => {
+ const { t } = useCustomTranslation();
+ const { noobaaS3Route } = React.useContext(NoobaaS3Context);
+ return (
+ <>
+ }
+ headingLevel="h4"
+ />
+ {t(
+ 'The browser cannot connect securely to this endpoint because it does not recognize the SSL certificate. This occurs when the certificate of the endpoint is not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).'
+ )}
+ {t(
+ 'To establish a connection with the endpoint, try the following methods:'
+ )}
+ 1. Recommended: Replace the internal certificate with one
+ issued by a public or custom Certificate Authority (CA). See the{' '}
+ OpenShift documentation
+ {' '}
+ for guidance.
+ 2. Alternative method: Add the internal CA bundle of OpenShift
+ Container Platform to the trust store of your system. This ensures
+ that the browser recognises the internal certificate.{' '}
+ (ConfigMap: default-ingress-cert in Namespace:{' '}
+ openshift-config-managed)
+ .
+ 3. Temporary (Least recommended): Open the endpoint in a new
+ tab (
+ click here to open the S3 route
+ ) and click Continue to site (wording may vary by browser) to
+ bypass the security warning. Then refresh the Data Foundation tab.