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State of Electron frameworks [May 2021]

reZach edited this page May 1, 2021 · 17 revisions

There are a lot of templates, guides and boilerplates on how to make Electron apps, but many are out of date due to the rapid frequency of updates to the core Electron library (which is a very good thing!). I wanted to create an objective comparison to these templates in order to guide users for picking the template that makes sense for them.

For each boilerplate/template, public metrics such as the number of stars, commits, open/closed issues, repository create date and Electron version will be listed to you a good overview of the health and status of the template. The top contenders will be given further review later in this post.

Electron templates/boilerplates - May 2021

Name Author Electron version URL License Stars Commits Issues (open/closed) Create date About
secure-electron-template reZach 12.0.5 Github MIT 687 184 7/49 2020-01-02 The best way to build Electron apps with security in mind
electron-boilerplate sindresorhus 7.1.1 Github MIT 1.5k 58 5/12 2015-04-23 Boilerplate to kickstart creating an app with Electron
electron-boilerplate szwacz 12.0.2 Github MIT 3k 441 0/210 2015-04-25 Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
electron-react-boilerplate electron-react-boilerplate 11.0.1 Github MIT 17.5k 986 104/1300 2015-05-18 A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps
lein_template_descjop karad 1.6.6 Github MIT 393 98 6/7 2015-04-17 A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell)
electron-quick-start electron 12.0.5 Github CC0-1.0 8.5k 290 11/210 2015-10-16 Clone to try a simple Electron app
bozon railsware 12.0.2 Github MIT 693 523 6/53 2016-04-26 Command line tool for building, testing and publishing modern Electron applications
electron-vue SimulatedGREG 2.0.4 Github MIT 13.9k 844 237/656 2016-05-12 An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack
electron-next-skeleton leo 1.7.10 Github MIT 169 129 3/3 2017-07-16 An example Electron app built with Next.js
electron-sandbox-boilerplate kewde 1.7.15 Github MIT 71 83 9/4 2017-09-13 A simple example for a (more reasonably) secure electron application, by enabling the sandbox and forcing communication over IPC
angular-electron maximegris 12.0.2 Github MIT 4.6k 449 12/477 2017-04-02 Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular and Electron (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload)
photon connors Unknown Github MIT 9.6k 261 66/37 2015-09-28 The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS

State of Electron frameworks

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