Tackling challenges in mobility is of the utmost importance for a city to become “Smart”. Many industries began using home delivery through the years as a way to enhance their services. However, this technique necessitates the use of labour as well as a vehicle, which increases fuel consumption. What if we sent robots to your door to bring medicines? In the "Pharma Bot" theme, we attempt to address this issue by building autonomous delivery robots that "pick up" medicine packets from pharmacies and distribute them across our "Smart city" arena.
Image Processing, Line following using Image Processing, Algorithm Building, Robotic Navigation and Localization and Robotic Simulation.
The aim of this task is to get started with the installation of the required software and learn the resources related to the software.
This task’s goal is to use Python’s OpenCV package to create various functions with the following goals:
- Detect multiple shapes in a given image
- Detect the color of shapes
- Detect lines present in an image
The objective of this task is to use OpenCV and Pyzbar libraries to write different functions whose aim is to:
- Detect the message encrypted in a given Qr code and its center coordinates
- Detect the id, center coordinates and orientation of all given ArUco markers
The main goal of this task is to simulate a robot in coppeliasim that would:
- Navigate using differential drive mechanism
- Detect walls using distance sensors and avoid them