Hello I am Samson
And today I would like to talk to you about writing code
Today you have all learned about programming
When people think about programing they generally think about comunicating with a computer
"It's all just 1s and 0s!" because just makes is simple...
Originally it was very important you talked to computers as efficiently as possible
As computers got faster it got easer to add levels of abstraction meaning you could start to write programs for people
Grace Hopper was the first person to write a compiler
Compilters translated human readable code into the machine code
As computers have gotten faster we have been able to have languages that are easier and easier for people to read
Ruby is a great example of this
But lets not kid ourselves
This [show scary method] is not that easy to read
Lets step back for a minute
We write programs so we can communicate with computers
But we write these programs to people to use
Programs are everywhere and need to be keeped up to date
Programming has also become social
And we are all standing on the shoulders of giants when we code
So even if you are writing code by yourself you are likely going to have to read other peoples code
And more than likely others will be reading your code
We have got to the point where it is way more important for your code to be for people than for it to be for machines
So how do we code for people?
Object Oriented programing helps us keep our code organised
When we write objects the goal is to make sure they only do 1 thing
When they try to do more than one thing
This happens [show scary code again]
A woman named Sandi Metz has proposed 4 rules to help with this
[show 4 rules: https://gist.github.com/henrik/4509394]
I am going to use 1 of them to make this scarry code
[highlight rule 2 "Your methods can be no longer than five lines of code."]
[scary code]
Into code that is much easier for people to read
[fake nice method]
[do a run though fixing scary method into nice readable small ones]
As you can see our code is not much easier to digest
It almost has a naritive when you read it
The next programmer that reads your code will likely thank you for your small methods. Maybe even give you a hug! #FridayHug
Thank you for your time
Talk inspired by Sandi Metz (@sandimetz), Katrina Owen (@kytrinyx), and Avdi Grimm (@avdi)
You can find me on Twitter @ootoovak, on Github at https://github.com/ootoovak and these slides on Speaker Deck here https://speakerdeck.com/ootoovak