libpotassco is a small C++ utility library used by various potassco projects that mostly provides functions and types for
- parsing, writing, and converting logic programs in aspif and smodels format,
- passing information between a grounder and a solver,
- defining and parsing command-line options and for creating command-line applications.
Furthermore, it comes with the tool lpconvert
that converts either between aspif and smodels format
or to a human-readable text format.
libpotassco is part of the potassco project. For further information please visit:
The preferred way to build libpotassco is to use CMake version 3.1 or later.
The following options can be used to configure the build:
LIB_POTASSCO_BUILD_APP : whether or not to build the lpconvert tool
LIB_POTASSCO_BUILD_TESTS: whether or not to build unit tests
For example, to build libpotassco in release mode in directory <dir>
cmake -H. -B<dir>
cmake --build <dir>
The following options can be used to configure the installation:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : install path prefix
LIB_POTASSCO_INSTALL_LIB: whether or not to install libpotassco
For example, to install lpconvert and libpotassco under /home/<usr>
cmake --build <dir> --target install
To use libpotassco in a cmake-based project either:
- Place the library inside your project, e.g. using git submodules.
- Call
or, if libpotassco is installed in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
- Call
find_package(Potassco <major>.<minor> CONFIG)
Finally, call target_link_libraries(your_target PUBLIC libpotassco)
to link to the potassco library.
Source code documentation can be generated with Doxygen. Either explicitly:
cd doc/
or via the doc_potassco
target when using cmake.