There are three ways to run dubbo-go samples:
- Quick start with bash command: start the sample and perform unit testing through a simple command line
- Quick start in IDE (Recommended): In ".run" subdirectory a couple of GoLand run configuration files are provided so that user can run each sample with just one click.
- Manually config and run in IDE: For completeness purpose, a step-by-step instruction is also provided so that user can understand how to configure and run or debug a sample in IDE.
Prerequisite: docker environment is required
Here we use "helloworld" as an example:
Get the root path of dubbo-go-samples
cd <PATH OF dubbo-go-samples> export DUBBO_GO_SAMPLES_ROOT_PATH=$(pwd)
Start register server (e.g. zookeeper)
make -f build/Makefile docker-up
Once the following messages outputs, the zookeeper server is ready.
> Starting dependency services with ./integrate_test/dockercompose/docker-compose.yml Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try `docker compose up` Creating network "dockercompose_default" with the default driver Creating dockercompose_zookeeper_1 ... done Creating etcd ... done Creating nacos-standalone ... done
To shut it down, simple run
make -f build/Makefile docker-down
Start server
cd helloworld/go-server/cmd export DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../conf/dubbogo.yml" go run .
Once the following messages outputs, the server is ready.
2021/10/27 00:33:10 Connected to 2021/10/27 00:33:10 Authenticated: id=72057926938066944, timeout=10000 2021/10/27 00:33:10 Re-submitting `0` credentials after reconnec
The output of
can be found from 'dist/darwin_amd64/release/go-server.log'. -
Run client
cd helloworld/go-client/cmd export DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../conf/dubbogo.yml" go run .
Once the following messages outputs, the
calls thego-server
successfully.2021-10-27T00:40:44.879+0800 DEBUG triple/dubbo3_client.go:106 TripleClient.Invoke: get reply = name:"Hello laurence" id:"12345" age:21 2021-10-27T00:40:44.879+0800 DEBUG proxy/proxy.go:218 [makeDubboCallProxy] result: name:"Hello laurence" id:"12345" age:21 , err: <nil> 2021-10-27T00:40:44.879+0800 INFO cmd/client.go:51 client response result: name:"Hello laurence" id:"12345" age:21
Integration test dubbo-go-samples is designed to serve the purposes of not only the showcases of how to use apache/dubbo-go but also the integration-test for apache/dubbo-go. To run integration test for
, run the following commands:Start the server first
cd helloworld/go-server/cmd export DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../conf/dubbogo.yml" go run .
Then switch to the single test directory, set the environment variables, and then execute the single test
cd integrate_test/helloworld/tests/integration export DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../../../../helloworld/go-client/conf/dubbogo.yml" go test -v
Once the following messages outputs, the integration tests pass.
> Running integration test for application go-server ... --- PASS: TestSayHello (0.01s) PASS ok 0.119s
Shutdown and cleanup
make -f build/Makefile clean docker-down
The following two ways are all relevant to IDE. Intellij GoLand is discussed here as an example.
Once open this project in GoLand, a list of pre-configured configures for both server and client can be found from "Run Configuration" pop up menu, for example: "helloworld-go-server" and "helloworld-go-client".
Feel free to pick one among them to run instantly. Of course a service register server is required otherwise the samples cannot run successfully. You may consider to either manually boot up the required register server, or use the provided "docker-compose.yml" to boot it in docker environment, from the following section where you can find more details.
After open dubbo-go-samples in GoLand, follow the steps below to run/debug this example:
Start up zookeeper server
Open "integrate_test/dockercompose/docker-compose.yml", and click ▶︎▶︎ icon in the gutter on the left side of the editor, then "Services" tab should pop up and shows the similar message below:
Deploying 'Compose: docker'... /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f .../dubbo-go-samples/helloworld/go-server/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver Creating docker_zookeeper_1 ... 'Compose: docker' has been deployed successfully.
Start up service provider
Open "helloworld/go-server/cmd/server.go", and click ▶︎ icon just besides "main" function in the gutter on the left side, and select "Modify Run Configuration..." from the pop-up menu. Then make sure the following configs configured correctly:
- Working Directory: the absolute path to "helloworld/go-server", for examples: * /home/dubbo-go-samples/helloworld/go-server*
- Environment: DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../conf/dubbogo.yml"
Then the sample server is ready to run.
Run service consumer
Open "helloworld/go-client/cmd/client.go", and click ▶︎ icon just besides "main" function in the gutter on the left side, and select "Modify Run Configuration..." from the pop-up menu. Then make sure the following configs configured correctly:
- Working Directory: the absolute path to "helloworld/go-client", for examples: * /home/dubbo-go-samples/helloworld/go-client*
- Environment: DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../conf/dubbogo.yml"
Then run it to call the remote service, you will observe the following message output:
[2021-02-03/16:19:30 main.main: client.go: 66] response result: &{A001 Alex Stocks 18 2020-02-04 16:19:30.422 +0800 CST}
If you need to debug either the samples or dubbo-go, you may consider switch to Debug instead of Run in GoLand. To stop, simply click ◼︎ to shutdown everything.