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Stefan Trajkovic stefantrajkovic7
Passionate full-stack developer with extensive experience building web/mobile applications, using M.E.R.N Stack, and various web scripting tech and framework


Usama Bin khalil findubk
I craft software with diligent care, yet oft forget to place it hither.

@quantum-wealth @KeepTruckin @SectorLabs @info-lytics Abu Dhabi, UAE

Nelson nelsonic
Love learning/writing code @dwyl Systematic about sharing all knowledge/skills. Learn something new every day.

@dwyl Braga, Portugal

Yusuf Siregar yusufsiregar44
Solving complex and interdisciplinary problems is what drives me every day.

world wide web

Aris Kemper ariskemper
Freelance Fullstack Developer, Contractor

Fullstack Developer

Vasanth BK Vasanth-Kasthuri

Quantum Wealth Dallas, TX

Vasanth B K nurturingmyself
Scala/Akka/Spark/NoSQL - Ready to rock

United States

Daniele Zanni syymza
Head of Engineering

@alpheya Abu Dhabi, UAE

Paul Emous paulemous

Mouse Media FZE Dubai