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Vianney Mixtur VianneyMI
Software & Data Engineer, open-source contributor and part-time freelancer. I love working with data, automating the boring stuff and building products

MixIT Paris

Kak sciencecw
Physics | Artificial Intelligence | High Performance Computing

Arlington, VA

Juris Slisans jurchiks33
Just like life, coding is a journey of endless learning and growing.


Suhrobjon Sultonmahmudov Sultonmahmudov
I am a student of Amity university in tashkent.
epsilon_delta alexisuaguilaru
I am a DS/AI student. And I am ready to learn and understand anything about these fields
Kyle Perez kpperez
A management professional with a passion for working with data.

Shiplify Colorado, USA

keita kawamoto keitakawamoto
Web Designer.

@pepabo Japan

David Omanovic davidomanovic
4th year Applied Physics Student

NTNU & EPFL Oslo, Norway

Compiler Jballard1979
SCADA Software Developer

Explorer Pipeline Tulsa, Oklahoma

Dácio Moreira de Souza dacioms
Um físico com várias paixões em tecnologia e professor de computação.

Niterói RJ

Reuven M. Lerner reuven
Teaching Python and data science to companies around the world.

Lerner Consulting Modi'in, Israel

Guilherme Cadori guilhermecadori
Engineer interested in all things machine learning, optimization, rock climbing and BJJ.

@accenture Joinville-SC, Brazil

Deus ex DevOps

San Francisco, CA

Mayukh Majumdar mayukh-majumdar

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Roberta Ferreira Aguilar robertarfa
Data Analyst | Python | ReactJS | C# | .NET

São Paulo

Anton patepelo
Data Science

Barcelona, Spain

Vatsal Raicha vatsalraicha
An Experienced IT professional boasting 19 years of industry experience, with a 7-year specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning

New Jersey, USA