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Lewis A. Jones LewisAJones
Palaeobiologist examining in the macroecological and macroevolutionary history of reef-building organisms and developing tools for the community @palaeoverse.

University College London London, UK

Nathan Hubot Nathhub
Molecular Ecologist at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK

Claude Nozères claudenozeres
Marine biologist

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Albury C. alburycatalina
Data products steward @dfo-mpo Crunching numbers & open science ✨🇧🇸
Cotsi Pacheco Cotsikayala
"🌊 Enamorado del mar y sus secretos | Doctorando en ciencia marina 🤿 | Café adicto, ciencia apasionada y un toque de humor para hacer del aprendizaje una ola


Elizabeth R. Lawrence EliLawrence

UNESCO-IOC Project Office for IODE, Ocean Biogeographic Information System Secretariat Montreal, QC

Matt B MattB-SF

Audiovisual Biodiversity Research Group, Senckenberg Institute for Natural Research Frankfurt

José Antonio Quintero Josequinteromuentes
Observador Pesquero con Experiencia Científica en Especies Objetivo de Determinada Pesquería para el Uso Sostenible y Conservación de la Fauna Marina Vulnerable


Sai Santosh saisantoshv3
#Data #DataViz #PublicPolicy

@factly Hyderabad, India

Sean Jungbluth seannoaa
Microbial Ecology and Oceanography. eDNA|Genomics|Bioinformatics|Software Development @ NOAA-AOML
Yann Bayle ybayle
CTO & co-founder @reefpulse | PhD in AI applied to Signal Processing

Reef Pulse France

Jon Pye jdpye
Director of Data Operations for the Ocean Tracking Network. Former phytoplankton biology lab computer-nerd-in-residence.

Ocean Tracking Network Halifax, NS

Kit Elloran kitelloran

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity Philippines

Pedro Monteiro pmontei

CCMAR - Centre of Marine Sciences, University of Algarve. Faro, Portugal

Jada Andersen jadaandersen

Xylo Systems Sydney, Australia

GlennML glennlaughlin

cape breton, nova scotia

Daphne Z Hoh daphnehoh
👩🏽‍💻 Postdoctoral Researcher @ Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF) 🌊🐢 Co-founder @ TurtleSpot Taiwan

Taipei, TAIWAN

Mike O'Brien mhpob
Faculty Research Assistant at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Richmond, VA

Benjamin Hlina benjaminhlina
Postdoctoral Researcher @ GLIER - University of Windsor - Studying food webs and spatial ecology of fishes in Lake Ontario.

University of Windsor

Dan Lear dblear

Marine Biological Association

Ana Carolina Peralta cperaltab
Marine Biologist | Postdoctoral Researcher - University of South Florida | Associated researcher INTECMAR - Simon Bolivar University
haniehsaeedi haniehsaeedi

Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum

Nicolas Schiffrine NicoSchiff

Takuvik - Québec Océan Québec

mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@SocioProphet Planet Earth

bne beatriznaranjo
Full Stack / Biologist

Costa Rica

FenyiR TshikanaR
I am an avid Data Scientist with extensive experience in large multidimensional ocean climate data management