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Diogo André Silvares Dias das-dias
PhD Student in Micro-Nanoelectronics | Image-Guided Ultrasound Neuromodulation ASICs

NOVA SST / TUDelft EEMCS Monte da Caparica, Portugal / Delft, The Netherlands

Bohemia Softwares Bohemia-Softwares
The official account for all Bohemia Softwares' open source projects. All the RidOS operating system and other related softwares' Source codes up to date

Bohemia Softwares LLC

Simon s-grundner
Electronics Engineering Stundent @ JKU Linz

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz Austria

programmer/ Coder Embedded software engineer Systems design


Byron Tarabata btarabata
👨‍💻 Byron Tarabata Electronics Engineer | Low-Power CMOS Sensors | FPGA/ASIC Design |


M K Fahim Shahariar mkfahim
Undergrad Researcher at KUET

@Khulna-University-of-Eng-and-Tech Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ahmed Reda areda0
Analog/Mixed Signal IC Designer
Priyanshu Mishra Priyanshumishra77
Design Verification Engineer


Syed Manzoor Qasim smqrizvi

Semiconductor Research Consulting (SRC) Mumbai, India

Vaibhav Singh va3bhav
ECE Undergrad 24' India


Simon Dorrer simi1505

Johannes Kepler University Linz

Yun-Chen Lo yunchenlo

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Boston, MA

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Zhiyang Ong eda-ricercatore
A multilingual, globetrotting cultural chameleon pursuing U.N. SDGs

Design Automation Renegades In passato, vicino al Dolomiti

Simon Bilodeau simbilod
Physicist/engineer with expertise in photonics, semiconductors, and software-driven design and layout.

Bay Area

Lucas Grosjean lucasgrjn
Lucas Grosjean, Currently playing to mix photonics and IA with a pinch of Lithium Niobate at Femto-ST, CNRS Labs 🇫🇷, Resident at (Google) X.

X, Google San Francisco

Kithmin Randula kithminrw
I am an Electronics/Photonics Engineer; loves doing cool projects; interested in Robotics, Silicon Photonics, Electronics and Applications of Machine Learning.

University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada

Shahbaz Hussain mshahbazhussain
Interested in • Low-power Energy-Efficient circuits • Spintronics • Hardware security • FPGA H/w implementation • Approximate computing

AMU Aligarh

André M. InnovusSollertia
Time traveler

@ic-dosti Almaty, Kazakhstan

Alfiero Leoni alfiero88

University of L'Aquila - DIIIE L'Aquila (Monteluco di Roio), Italy

Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


Haozheng Wan haozhengwan
Ph.D. Student@HKU, In Memory Computing

HKU Hong Kong SAR

Sebastián SFCYang
Electrical Engineering Student with a minor in Programing interested in microelectronics

@ UC

Michael Corrado gaybro8777
engineer flirting with machine learning, neural networks and life sciences 💪

Mit Nyc