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Andrew S. Rosen Andrew-S-Rosen
Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering at Princeton University. Leading the @Quantum-Accelerators.

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Varun Gopal varun-go
PhD student in Chemical Engineering at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities @SAMPEL-Group

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities


Netherlands eScience Center

fdkgenie fdkgenie
Discovering is exploring
Thibaut thibautflottat
Computational physicist, mostly working with molecular simulation.


Dickson Owuor (Ph.D.) owuordickson
Computer science researcher

Strathmore University Nairobi, Kenya

Zhu Ming Harry-Zhu-45

Wuhan University Wuhan

Liu Gaoyong LiuGaoyong
Ph.D Student@Nanjing University

Nanjing, China

Srikanth Divi srikanth-divi
A Chemical Engineer working as a Research Associate with Prof. Michail Stamatakis @mstamatakis at Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London.

@UCL London

Adrien Berard Adrien-Berard
Biophysics master student at Sorbonne University
Melody Zhang melodyyzh
PhD Candidate in Chemical Engineering (Lindsey Group & Glotzer Group) | PhD student in Scientific Computing

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Hasi Hays (PhD) HasiHays
Computational Systems Biology, Systems Medicine

University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA

Dou Du dou-du

EPFL Laussane, Switzerland

Alasdair Gray A-CGray
I like to optimise things, mainly race cars and planes. PhD Candidate at the University of Michigan's @mdolab


Shenghui Zhong ZSHtju
Computational fluid dynamics & Turbulent combustion & Molecular dynamics simulation & Machine learning & Data science

Beihang University Hangzhou

Pengyu Chen dangpongwu
PhD Candidate in Materials Science at UMN | Computational Soft Matter | Machine Learning for Materials

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Minneapolis, United States

Anthony Phillips aephil

Queen Mary University of London

Alexandros Keros alexdkeros
Postdoc RA in Computational Topology @ University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Santosh Prajapati santoshmbu
Ph.D student (Computational Biophysics)

Institute of Physics, CAS Beijing

3duardo lalo-phys
Physics student

UAM CDMX, México

Jen Bradley janbridley
Graduate researcher pursuing a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering with the @glotzerlab at University of Michigan.

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

John Talbot JohnTalbot

FactGuru Ottawa, Canada

Emmanuel FC emmanuellfc
PhD student in Physics

Tufts University

Xingfei Wei XingfeiWei
Postdoc at JHU
