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Nawaf IMMortal-8

Co Founder & Ceo at RSS Company

b1lz blzsr

.src src

Vanish vanishLLC
👋 Hi, I'm a 16 year-old student who is starting his journey as a programmer. The Languages and tools that I use are: Python, IntelliJ, JavaScript, and Java. 🚀

self-employed player.getLocation();

Aiden Smith aidendotgg
Currently editing code on prod...

Rochester NY

Zachary Lopez ZachLTech
I'm a freelance full-stack web developer & software engineer.


vornexx vornexx

Trinidad & Tobago (Trinidad)

DisPaisy P0rc0D10
Hi! I'm DisPaisy, a "developer" (i'm trying). I do music (DisPaisy). I manage a small record label (lyable distribution / @malfunzionatomusicgroup).


Kars Kars1996
🎆Web Developer. 💪Working on creating the next big thing Contact me on discord Kars1996

@ResyncedDesign London/Dubai

Eva evastarlight
Frontend & Backend webdeveloper

Hotmilk Studios LTD United States

Yanice imyanice
#GriefinAndTrollin since 07

@lilithmod Paris, France