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Tuan Hoang Minh tuanhm2911
A computer geek guy. A data lover.


Maria mariaa1991513
Front-End Developer - JavaScript 🧩
0xLimon 0xlimon
Developer | Python & JavaScript 🧩 Solidity | 🌟 Node Operator | 🛡️ Validator
fuder.eth vtjl10
Builder & full stack developer ⚫️

Abu-Dhabi, UAE

R.e.m. remzzer
Fullstack developer NodeJs / ReactJs / Typescript
Renat Razumov renatrazumov
code / run / cycle / lift

@flowstake Earth

Danbo dannbbb1
Passionate developer exploring the intersection of innovation and problem-solving. Building projects, contributing to open-source, and continuously learning.
Clare Maguire claremaguire1111
Culture + Tech. Full Stack Developer (๑´• .̫ •ू`๑)


ReFi Starter refistarter
Official Github account of ReFi Starter Team

ReFi Starter ReFi Planet

ScuTua Scutua
Dive School owner

czone diver thailand

Anton Cheng antoncoding
Programming is the closest thing we have to superpowers. 💫


Reimagine Truth ReimagineTruth
IM A FOUNDER OF Reimagine Truth

🌐 Reimagine Truth Organization I'm in your dreams

Frodo Beggins frodoggg
Passionate tech enthusiast building robust applications with Python, JavaScript, and Java. Open-source advocate and collaborative developer.
Francis Kim franciskim
Founding Engineer at Art.Tech

Melbourne, Australia

Robert Chen rjcc
Cardiovascular surgeon; Harvard; Emory, Taiwan; Indiana University, Ohio State Univ, and now Stanford Univ; data scientist: Stata, SAS, SQL, Python, R,...

Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, CA, USA

Mischa MissMischa
Hot sweet and kind to others;)


Pénzügyi Edukáció pedukacio
Segítünk az embereknek megérteni a pénzügyek és a személyes befektetések összefüggéseit ― szakmai és pszichológiai szempontból egyaránt.

Substack Magyarország