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CaoLin zhangcaocao
Robotics & ROS engineer.


Alex Arbuckle lxRbckl

Kansas City, Missouri

Karin Willers KarinWillers
Software developer, currently doing UEFI verification

Greater Munich area

GiantBing giantbing

ThunderSoft TEC.LNC Chengdu.Sichuan.China


Tokyo, Japan

Pierpaolo Pravatto ppravatto
I am currently a R&D Chemist at Woodn Industries.

Woodn Greewnwood s.r.l. Treviso, Veneto, Italy

Diego Vergaças diegovergacas
Information Technology student at UNIVESP (Brazil). Physicist specialized in Nuclear Technology.

São Paulo

helloE helloE9
Code Master Yoda
Willians Principe Fernandes williansprincipe
Physics and Chemistry of Materials.

Researcher at Laboratorio de Bioengenharia -- Instituto Tecnologico da Aeronautica -- ITA Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil

lfdcn lfdcn

ZHKU Guangzhou

Hualin Xiao drhlxiao
Ph.D. in nuclear/particle physics. Linkedin:

University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

Science_Wolf ScienceWolf666
S.Wolf – Science_Wolf – ScienceWolf Science_Wolf#6666 – ScienceWolf666

Magic Players© ❖ Freelancer Poland ❖ Pomerania ❖ Gdansk

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Qz Liu Lowerce
PhD student

Beijing, China

Matthias NuclearPhoenixx
Everything can be done with a microcontroller!


Jakub Kákona kaklik

Universal Scientific Technologies s.r.o. Czech Republic

Ari Kudan akudan

Turin, Piedmont, Italy

Chris Kuethe ckuethe
PGP 0xF5C2BC1187106528 🕵🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍💻🌎🕊️🛰️

Less than 30cm away from where I was a nanosecond ago.

Kushal Sahare kushalsahare
I am a graduate student in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst