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Four Hu fourhu

Other cloud WuHan

Weiye Wang ANormalMan12

East China Normal University Shanghai

Shi Jin JuniorSNy
CS student from ZJU, obtained the solid passion for Architecture
卦卦 God-Staff


Patrick Malara PatrickMalara
Junior Web Developer based in Hamilton, Ontario. | JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Vue.js, React.js, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Azure, AWS.


ShingoHattori ShingoHattori
I like to make things.

University of Tsukuba

JSDu JamesBonddu
To be a better man!

EcoSolar lansing,mi

Marcel Schmalzl holzkohlengrill
Technology-loving individualist. Detail-sustaining enthusiast. Supporter and innovator of inspirational perspectives.

Munich, Germany

yxxhero yxxhero
Gopher Pythonista SRE                          During the day, Software Engineer 🥗    During the night, Open source 🦇

@kubernetes @helmfile @helm @dragonflyoss china

wangyuwei wineway
super naturally annoying
Jing Lu beefyamoeba5

NVIDIA Corporation Shanghai, China

Shady shadychan

@bytedance Shenzhen

redstar redstar9451

Tencent China

Simon SCTCoding
I am a technologist, Macintosh System Administrator, tinkerer, and generally odd guy.


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Zhe Li AtaraxiaZ

@Bytedance Shanghai, China

Software Engineer
