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Sampling and Preparation

Mickaël Beaufils edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

What are Sampling and Preparation?

Sampling is an act applying a SamplingProcedure to create or transform one or more MaterialSamples (

Sampling Procedure is a description of steps performed by a Sampler in order to extract a Sample from its sampledFeature in the frame of a Sampling.

Preparation Procedure is the description of preparation steps performed on a Sample.


Data model Concept name Definition
OGC OMS Sampling Sampling is an act applying a SamplingProcedure to create or transform one or more Sample(s).
OGC OMS SamplingProcedure Sampling Procedure is a description of steps performed by a Sampler in order to extract a Sample from its sampledFeature in the frame of a Sampling.
OGC OMS PreparationProcedure Sampling is an act applying a SamplingProcedure to create or transform one or more Sample(s).
AGS SAMP SAMP includes information for both the sample and the sampling activity
DIGGS SamplingActivity The action taken to obtain or produce material samples even if the activity fails to produce a sample (eg. a core run that produces no recovery). The activity type must be specified, and indicates if the produced sample(s) are a result of collection at a sampling feature, sub-sampling, aggregation of two or more samples, or a sample created as a test or blank sample. All samples must refer to a SamplingActivity feature. SamplingActivity is restricted to the collection or creation of a new material sample, or a subsampling or aggregation of existing collected or created samples. The activity of transforming a material sample into a specimen that is being tested is described in the preparationProcedure property of a specimen object that derives from an existing material sample.
DIGGS AbstractSpecimen AbstractSpecimen serves as the head of a substitution group for specimen specializations based on state or type: eg. soil, liquid, gas, rock. A specimen derives from one or more samples, is created as part of a test procedure, and exists only in the context of the test procedure that creates it.


PropertyName Definition
intermalIdentifier The value of this property is the identifier originally created by the authority for this feature, or that is used as the identifier in the authority's internal data management system. There is no assumption as to the unique scope or persistence of this identifier. In cases where the original or internal identifier does not meet the semantic requirements or gml:id or gml:identifier, the internal identifier may be included in this property in order for the originating authority to "map back" the identifier to an internal data management system. The codeSpace attribute must be populated to identify the authority that uses the internalIdentifier value.
samplingFeatureRef Pointer to the associated sampling feature object (eg. borehole, etc.
sourceSampleRef A reference to a sample or samples that are used to create the sample(s) (identified in the sampleProduced property) produced by this activity. This element is only used for activities that subsample or aggregate samples from other samples. For aggregate samples, the percentage attribute optionally defines how much of the total new sample is composed from the source sample.
status A text string to provide information about the status of the object to be used to track QA/QC controls, review or release status, etc. The values used are intended to come from a controlled list of terms maintained by an organization.
role Identifies a specific role or task performed that is associated with this specific feature, the person ororganization that performed the role, and associated time frame, if applicable.
activityType A controlled list that indicates the classification of sampling activity. Can be used by applications to validate other activity info. One of the following strings must be used:
collect - activity created a sample or samples by collection from a sampling feature;
aggregate - activity created a sample or samples by aggregating existing samples; the associated Sample(s) should contain more than one sourceSampleRef;
subsample - activity created a sample or samples by subsampling an existing sample; only one sourceSampleRef should be specified for the related Sample(s);
test - activity produced a test, standard or blank sample that does not relate to any field sample or sampling feature; activity will point to a project but no sourceSampleRef nor samplingFeatureRef should be specified for the associated Sample(s);
none - the sample activity failed to produce any physical sample;
unknown - used where no information about the sampling activity exists (eg. for legacy data where only sample name or label and location (depth) exists).
purpose Purpose for this activity. This is an uncontrolled string that describes the test or tests that are intended to be run on the sample(s) generated from this activity.
samplingDate The date/time that encompasses the entire time over which sampling occurred.
associatedFile Identifies external files associated with this feature. This allows for the feature to be further elaborated with information that cannot be represented by ASCII text, such as a photograph or other media, binary data, or a formatted report.
samplingEquipment A property element that contains a generic or specialized Equipment object (or reference to one) that details the sampling equipment used
samplingMethod A property that contains a Specification object detailing the method of sampling
coringPushPressure For coring activities, the push pressure reported as a single value
coringPushPressureMin For reporting coring push pressure as a range, this property holds the minimum pressure value.
coringPushPressureMax For reporting coring push pressure as a range, this property holds the maximum pressure value.
samplerInsertionMethod For sampling of soil or rock, the means by which the sampler is inserted into the ground. From a controlled list (eg. pushed, driven, etc.
mixingTime For sampling activities that involve blending samples in aggregation (such as soil-cement mixtures), this property carries the time duration to mix the sample together.
sampleProduced Identifies the samples, and the time and location(s) of samples (optional) that are produced by this sampling activity
solidCoreRecoveryLength For rock cores, the sum of the lengths of solid, cylindrical, core pieces
lengthLongestPortion For rock cores, the Length of the longest solid, cylindrical core piece of the sample
rockQualityDesignationLength For rock cores, the sum of length of core pieces that are > 100 mm (4 inches) measured along the centerline
samplingEnvironment Contains a component object that is a collection of environmental parameters recorded at a specific time instant dureing the sampling.
totalSampleRecoveryLength For soil or rock cores, this property is the length of the total amount of sample recovered during the activity. If no sample is recovered, this value is 0.
otherSamplingActivityProperty A property that contains a Parameter object whereby ancillary metadata about the sampling activity can be reported as name-value pairs
samplingLocation Location of the sampling activity



Geotech concepts

Book A concepts

Hole in the ground

For the activity of observation and its results

For the activity of sampling and preparation

Book B concepts

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For Hydrogeological Modeling

For Geotechnical Modeling

For Hazard Modeling

Book C concepts

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General considerations

ISO19148 and ISO19156

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