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Mickaël Beaufils edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 13 revisions

What is a GeologicUnit?

Conceptually, a GeologicUnit may represent a body of material in the Earth whose complete and precise extent is inferred to exist (e.g., North American Data Model GeologicUnit, Stratigraphic unit in the sense of NACSN, or International Stratigraphic Code ), or a classifier used to characterize parts of the Earth (e.g. lithologic map unit like 'granitic rock' or 'alluvial deposit', surficial units like 'till' or 'old alluvium'). It includes both formal units (i.e. formally adopted and named in an official lexicon) and informal units (i.e. named but not promoted to a lexicon) and unnamed units (i.e., recognizable, described and delineable in the field but not otherwise formalised). In simpler terms, a geologic unit is a package of earth material (generally rock).


Data model Concept name Definition
OGC GeoSciML GeologicUnit Conceptually, a GeologicUnit may represent a body of material in the Earth whose complete and precise extent is inferred to exist (e.g., North American Data Model GeologicUnit, Stratigraphic unit in the sense of NACSN, or International Stratigraphic Code ), or a classifier used to characterize parts of the Earth (e.g. lithologic map unit like 'granitic rock' or 'alluvial deposit', surficial units like 'till' or 'old alluvium'). It includes both formal units (i.e. formally adopted and named in an official lexicon) and informal units (i.e. named but not promoted to a lexicon) and unnamed units (i.e., recognizable, described and delineable in the field but not otherwise formalised). In simpler terms, a geologic unit is a package of earth material (generally rock).
IFC GeologicUnit Same as OGC GeoSciML
DIGGS StratigraphyObservation Descriptions of ordered bodies of rock or soil, such as formations, biostratigraphic units or aquifers.
AGSi agsiModelElement In AGSi a model is collection of elements (agsiModelElement object) and this may include geological units, identified as such (or as a specialization) using the elementType attribute.

Specializations (Types of GeologicUnit)

Source Type Link Definition
BRGM Registry This register lists all the geologic units.
CGI Registry This register lists all the geologic units.
  • allostratigraphic unit

  • alteration unit

  • artificial ground

  • biostratigraphic unit

  • chronostratigraphic unit

  • deformation unit

  • excavation unit

  • geomorphologic unit

  • geophysical unit

  • lithodemic unit

  • lithogenetic unit

  • lithologic unit

  • lithostratigraphic unit

  • lithotectonic unit

  • magnetostratigraphic unit

  • mass movement unit

  • pedoderm

  • pedostratigraphic unit

  • polarity chronostratigraphic unit


PropertyName Definition
Identifier The identifier should have the same value as the corresponding GeoSciML MappedFeature identifier, if available.
Name name is a display name for the GeologicUnit.
Description description is a description of the GeologicUnit, typically taken from an entry on a geological map legend.
geologicUnitType geologicUnitType contains the type of GeologicUnit (as defined in GeoSciML). To report an identifier from a controlled vocabulary, geologicUnitType_uri shall be used.
rank rank contains the rank of GeologicUnit (as defined by ISC. e.g., group, formation, member).
representativeLithology description of the GeologicUnit’s lithology, possibly formatted with formal syntax (see The description can be language-dependent. To report an identifier from a controlled vocabulary, representativeLithology_uri shall be used.
representativeAge description of the age of the GeologicUnit (where age is a sequence of events and may include process and environment information). To report an identifier from a controlled vocabulary, representativeAge_uri, representativeOlderAge_uri, representativeYoungerAge_uri shall be used.
numericOlderAge a numerical representation of the unit’s older age in million years (Ma).
numericYoungerAge a numerical representation (Primitive::Number) of the unit’s younger age in million years (Ma).
observationMethod a metadata snippet indicating how the spatial extent of the feature was determined. ObservationMethod is a convenience property that provides a simple approach to observation metadata when data are reported using a feature view (as opposed to observation view).
source If present, the property source:Primitive::CharacterString is human readable text describing feature-specific details and citations to source materials, and if available provides URLs to reference material and publications describing the geologic feature. This could be a short text synopsis of key information that would also be in the metadata record referenced by metadata_uri.
metadata_uri If present, the property metadata_uri:Primitive::CharacterString contains a URI referring to a metadata record describing the provenance of data.
shape The property shape:GEO::GM_Object contains a geometry defining the extent of the feature of interest.
positionalAccuracy If present, the property positionalAccuracy:Primitive::CharacterString is a quantitative value (a numerical value and a unit of length) defining the radius of an uncertainty buffer around a MappedFeature (e.g., a positionalAccuracy of 100 m for a line feature defines a buffer polygon of total width 200 m centred on the line).
GeolFormation ISO14689:2017
FaciesLithostratigraphy The characteristics of a rock or a sediment unit that reflect its environment of deposition and allow it to be distinguished from rock or sediment deposited in an adjacent environment.
FaciesPetrophysics A rock mass that can be recognized by its composition, structures or fossil content and mapped on the basis of those characteristics.


What about Hydrogeologic Units?

They are a type of GeologicUnit and are described in

GitHub issue


Geotech concepts

Book A concepts

Hole in the ground

For the activity of observation and its results

For the activity of sampling and preparation

Book B concepts

For Geological Modeling

For Hydrogeological Modeling

For Geotechnical Modeling

For Hazard Modeling

Book C concepts

ISO & OGC GeoTech Model

General considerations

ISO19148 and ISO19156

SensorThingsAPI datamodel




LandInfra & InfraGML

INSPIRE Theme III: Natural Risk Zone

Implementation guide, resources and examples

Exposing geotech investigation data with OGC SensorThings API

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