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Caroline Möller edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 47 revisions


  • Start a reminder issue a few days before the release (e.g. issue #29) Leave this issue open until the release is done and close it with a comment to inform the other developers.
  • Test the examples and start an issue for non working examples.
  • Keep an eye on open issues that are set to your release but seem to be forgotten.
  • Make sure you have a pypi account with the rights to update oemof or ask somebody to upload the release for you.

Day of release

  • Close "forgotten" issues with a recapitulatory comment or set them to a later release if they are still important.
  • Set a release branch to avoid conflicts with other uses while the release progress.
  • Run examples and tests
  • Fix bugs if possible or remove merges/commits that causes the bugs from the release branch.
  • Check the whatsnew-file and create a new one for the next release in the whatsnew-folder.
  • Check if the latest documentation looks right at readthedocs. Start the compile process manually or it might take a time (could be obsolete now because github is now webhooked with rtd).
  • Change the version number at VERSION and __init__py (e.g. from 0.2.1dev to 0.2.1).
  • If everything seems to work, merge the release branch into the master branch.
  • Check whether Readme.rst and getting_started.rst have the contents. They should only contain different links.
  • Check the rendering of the README file. Install pip install readme_rendererand then check the README file using python check -r -s. Fix errors now because you will not be able to fix errors once the file is uploaded.
  • Set a release on github. Select the master branch (default: dev)! A label is set automatically.
  • Use git fetch to see the label in your local master branch.
  • Register the version at pypi. There is a new way using twine which isdescribed here: Old way: Using the command python register sdist upload. Make sure you checked out the master branch. (you will need a pypi account which is affiliated with the oemof group)
  • Check links at and README at
  • Start the building of the documentation on RTD for the new version and the stable version (could be obsolete now because github is now webhooked with rtd).
  • Merge the release branch into the dev branch.
  • Remove the obsolete release branch.
  • Prepare the dev branch for further development: Adapt the version number at VERSION and __init__py (e.g. from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2dev). Also add a link in the whatsnew.rst file. Open the file locally or use the RAW button to see the links.
  • Edit-Zenodo-entry
  • Write a post in the wordpress blog.
  • Close the release issue with informations for the community and relax (e.g. issue #29, issue #108).