This project uses the (conventional commit specification)[] for consistent commit messages.
All commit messages should have the following form:
<type>: <description>
A fix (PATCH in semantic versioning) looks like this:
fix: correct minor typos in code
A new feature (MINOR in semantic versioning) looks like this:
feat: add catalan language
Breaking changes can be indicated by either appending a "!" to the type:
refactor!: drop support for Node 6
Or adding "BREAKING CHANGE" to the commit message body text:
refactor!: drop support for Node 6
BREAKING CHANGE: refactor to use JavaScript features not available in Node 6.
In addition to "fix" and "feat" the following types are allowed: build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:, test:
Install commitlint:
npm install --save-dev @commitlint/{config-conventional,cli}
or via yarn:
yarn add @commitlint/{config-conventional,cli}
Create a commitlint.config.js file:
echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']}" > commitlint.config.js
Add husky to package.json:
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"