Kafka Connect connector for Google BigTable
npm install --save bigtable-kafka-connect
const { runSourceConnector } = require("bigtable-kafka-connect");
runSourceConnector(config, [], onError).then(config => {
//runs forever until: config.stop();
const { runSinkConnector } = require("bigtable-kafka-connect");
runSinkConnector(config, [], onError).then(config => {
//runs forever until: config.stop();
const { runSinkConnector, ConverterFactory } = require("bigtable-kafka-connect");
const etlFunc = (messageValue, callback) => {
//type is an example json format field
if (messageValue.type === "publish") {
return callback(null, {
id: messageValue.payload.id,
name: messageValue.payload.name,
info: messageValue.payload.info
if (messageValue.type === "unpublish") {
return callback(null, null); //null value will cause deletion
callback(new Error("unknown messageValue.type"));
const converter = ConverterFactory.createSinkSchemaConverter(etlFunc);
runSinkConnector(config, [converter], onError).then(config => {
//runs forever until: config.stop();
this example would be able to store kafka message values
that look like this (so completely unrelated to messages created by a default SourceTask)
payload: {
id: 1,
name: "first item",
info: "some info"
type: "publish"
note: in BETA 🌱
npm install -g bigtable-kafka-connect
# run source etl: bigtable -> kafka
nkc-bigtable-source --help
# run sink etl: kafka -> bigtable
nkc-bigtable-sink --help
const config = {
kafka: {
kafkaHost: "localhost:9092",
logger: null,
groupId: "kc-bigtable-test",
clientName: "kc-bigtable-test-name",
workerPerPartition: 1,
options: {
sessionTimeout: 8000,
protocol: ["roundrobin"],
fromOffset: "earliest", //latest
fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 100,
fetchMinBytes: 1,
fetchMaxWaitMs: 10,
heartbeatInterval: 250,
retryMinTimeout: 250,
requireAcks: 1,
//ackTimeoutMs: 100,
//partitionerType: 3
topic: "sc_test_topic",
partitions: 1,
maxTasks: 1,
pollInterval: 2000,
produceKeyed: true,
produceCompressionType: 0,
connector: {
batchSize: 500,
maxPollCount: 500,
projectId: "bt-project-id",
dataset: "bt_dataset",
table: "bt_table",
columnFamily: "bt_family",
idColumn: "id"
http: {
port: 3149,
middlewares: []
enableMetrics: true