CLI tool to extract and decrypt the SQLite database of a backup ZIP of the Sparkasse Android application.
This project was rewritten. In case it does not work for you, you can find the previous version in the branch python-version
You need to have a backup zip file. Look at the comments on how to get one. Depending on your Android version, backups are located at:
If you are running Android 11+, chances are that you need to access the files using your PC by connecting your phone to the PC via USB. You can also use ADB instead of crappy MTP:
adb pull "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/"
./sparkasse-backup-decrypt --in-file <> --out-file <path-to-target-plaintext.db>
# (you will be asked for your app password)
# Example call:
./sparkasse-backup-decrypt --in-file --out-file plaintext.db
# You can check if the out file is in plaintext by using sqlite3:
# sqlite3 plaintext.db .schema
git clone
cd sparkasse-backup-decrypt
cargo build --release
# binary located at:
# target/release/sparkasse-backup-decrypt