A OCWebsite plugin is a smart contract which implements the IVersionableWebsitePlugin interface.
The following functions need to be implemented :
function processWeb3Request(IVersionableWebsite website, uint websiteVersionIndex, string[] memory resource, KeyValue[] memory params) external view returns (uint statusCode, string memory body, KeyValue[] memory headers);
Very basically, when a page is requested from an OCWebsite, each installed plugin is asked one after the other if it wants to answer this page. It does so by calling the processWeb3Request
method of each plugin. The first one to answer will be returned to the client.
IVersionableWebsite website
: The address of the OCWebsite asked to process a page request.uint websiteVersionIndex
: The version of the OCWebsite for which we are asked to process a page request. (Read about OCWebsite versions)string[] memory resource, KeyValue[] memory params
: The path requested, using the Resource request mode IDecentralizedApp interface. Basic example:/aa/bb?c=1&d=2
will be sent asresource
=['aa', 'bb']
=[KeyValue{key='c', value='1"}, KeyValue{key='d', value='2"}]
uint statusCode
: If you want to respond to this request, return a non-zero standard HTTP response code here (usually200
).string memory body
: The data you want to return as a response. Note that, even though it has astring
type, you can return any binary data. (Reason is: the IDecentralizedApp interface unfortunately use astring
type.)KeyValue[] memory headers
: The HTTP headers you want to return. Can be any valid HTTP headers, such asContent-type
, ...
Here is a basic example, ignoring the OCWebsite it comes from. It will answer to the /
and /index/[uint]
function processWeb3Request(IVersionableWebsite website, uint websiteVersionIndex, string[] memory resource, KeyValue[] memory params)
external view override returns (uint statusCode, string memory body, KeyValue[] memory headers)
// Frontpage
if(resource.length == 0) {
body = indexHTML(1); // Function to do
statusCode = 200;
headers = new KeyValue[](1);
headers[0].key = "Content-type";
headers[0].value = "text/html";
// /index/[uint]
else if(resource.length >= 1 && resource.length <= 2 && ToString.compare(resource[0], "index")) {
uint page = 1;
if(resource.length == 2) {
page = ToString.stringToUint(resource[1]);
if(page == 0) {
statusCode = 404;
else {
body = indexHTML(page); // Function to do
statusCode = 200;
headers = new KeyValue[](1);
headers[0].key = "Content-type";
headers[0].value = "text/html";
function copyFrontendSettings(IVersionableWebsite website, uint fromWebsiteVersionIndex, uint toWebsiteVersionIndex) external;
A better naming would have been copyWebsiteVersionSettings
. This function is called when the plugin is requested to copy the plugin settings of a OCWebsite version to another. The main usecase is : When creating a new OCWebsite version, the user can choose to "copy" a version, a bit like forking. So each plugin is requested to copy his settings.
Example :
contract MyPlugin is ERC165, IVersionableWebsitePlugin {
// Some settings for your plugin
struct Settings {
uint setting1;
string setting2;
// Storing settings for each OCWebsite version
mapping(IVersionableWebsite => mapping(uint => Settings) public settings;
function copyFrontendSettings(IVersionableWebsite website, uint fromFrontendIndex, uint toFrontendIndex) public {
require(address(website) == msg.sender);
Settings storage config = settings[website][toFrontendIndex];
Settings storage fromConfig = settings[website][fromFrontendIndex];
config.rootPath = fromConfig.rootPath;
struct Infos {
// Technical name
string name;
// Version of the plugin
string version;
// Display name
string title;
string subTitle;
// Author
string author;
// Point to a web3:// address of the homepage
string homepage;
// Dependencies of this plugin
IVersionableWebsitePlugin[] dependencies;
// Admin panels
AdminPanel[] adminPanels;
function infos() external view returns (Infos memory);
Return the details of your plugin, to be displayed by UI frontend.
Right now dependencies handling is very basic : IVersionableWebsitePlugin[] dependencies;
is a list of other plugins that are required to be installed before this plugin is installed.
There is no minimal/maximal version handling for dependencies, and there isn't even a link between different versions of a same plugin. You cannot upgrade from a version to another. As such, version
can be anything you like, such as 0.1.0
It is expected later a second version of plugins with much more advanced versioning, upgrading and dependencies handling, if OCWebsites does gain traction.
A plugin can expose admin panels to let user configure the plugin, via the AdminPanel[] adminPanels
enum AdminPanelType {
// Represent an admin panel for this plugin
// 2 types :
// - An autonomous webpage (which can be iframed by global admin panels)
// - A UMD module which is loaded by a global admin panel
// In this case, the moduleForGlobalAdminPanel is the address of the
// admin panel plugin for which this plugin is a module
struct AdminPanel {
// Title of the panel, can be empty
string title;
// The web3:// URL of the panel (either a HTML webpage, or a JS module)
string url;
// If the panel is a module, this is the address of the admin panel plugin
// for which this plugin is a module
IVersionableWebsitePlugin moduleForGlobalAdminPanel;
// The type of the panel
// This is mostly an hint on how to embed the panel
// Primary will be for a full page, Secondary will be for being inserted inside
// a common Settings page
AdminPanelType panelType;
The admin panel can be of 2 types :
should contains theweb3://
address of this standalone page,moduleForGlobalAdminPanel
should be empty.
The standalone page will be iframe'd by the current default Admin interface
This is more complex :
should contains theweb3://
address of the javascript UMD file.moduleForGlobalAdminPanel
should be the address of the OCWebsite plugin providing the admin interface.
If you want to develop a admin panel for the OCWeb Admin interface
plugin, please follow this guide
function rewriteWeb3Request(IVersionableWebsite website, uint websiteVersionIndex, string[] memory resource, KeyValue[] memory params) external view returns (bool rewritten, string[] memory newResource, KeyValue[] memory newParams);
This method is not recommended to be used.
This method allows you to make a internal redirect. But since this method is called in all plugins first (before the calls to processWeb3Request()
), you could redirect even though another plugin was about to process the page.
For traditional internal redirect (e.g. for javascript single page apps redirecting to index.html
if the page is not found), it is advised to do it inside processWeb3Request()