Tool to utilize HashiCorp Vault when deploying to AWS ElasticBeanstalk
TODO: add support for ECS
Currently we have tested with Github Auth.
vault server -config=vault_server/vault-file.hcl
vault init -key-threshold=2 -key-shares=10
(copy the output and keep it somewhere safe for now)vault unseal
(keep repeating till we have successfully completed the number of cycles provided in key-threshold)export VAULT_TOKEN=<root token you got when ran the vault init command>
vault auth-enable github
vault write auth/github/config organization=<github organization name>
vault policy-write dev vault_policies/dev-policy.hcl
vault policy-write admins vault_policies/admin-policy.hcl
vault policy-write build vault_policies/build-policy.hcl
vault write auth/github/map/teams/<admin-team> vaule=admins
vault write auth/github/map/users/<github username> value=admins
vault write secret/<staging || production || testing || dev>/<AWS service beanstalk || ecs>/<service name>/<env name>/MYSQL_HOST value="localhost:3306"
In [1]: import vaulter
In [2]: tt = "<GITHUB TOKEN>"
In [3]: aa = vaulter.VaultClient(token=tt, service_name=<service_name>", secret_path="<secret path to env>")
In [4]: ggg = aa.get_env()
In [5]: ggg
Out[5]: {u'MYSQL_HOST': u'localhost:3306'}
In [6]: aa.jsonify_env()
Out[6]: '{"MYSQL_HOST": "localhost:3306"}'
Currently we only have a helper for import ENV VARS from beanstalk.
In [1]: import aws.beanstalk
In [2]: boto_profile = "boto_profile_name"
In [3]: beanstalk_application_name = <beanstalk application name>
In [4]: beanstalk_environment_name = <beanstalk environment name under the application name provided above>
In [5]: aa = aws.beanstalk.BeanStalk(profile=boto_profile,
In [6]: aa.environment_detail()
{'KEY1': 'value1',
'KEY2': 'value2',
'KEY3': 'value3',
'KEY4': 'value4'}
Now we can use the output ENV VARS and import them in VAULT
import valuter
aa = vaulter.VaultClient(token=tt, service_name=<service_name>", secret_path="<secret path to env>")