Backend APIS that allow users to manage thier tasks.
- Express (Nodejs Framework)
- Typescript
- Mysql
- express-validator
- sequelize
- Linux/Windows/macOS
- Node and NPM
- Yarn
- Git
- Mysql
To update and access the code for the system, please follow these steps:
git clone (...url).
yarn install
. -
file in the root folder with this fields in the file.PORT=3000 //(Secret key to generate secured tokens) SECRETKEY="" //(Database Host) DB_HOST="" //(Database Port) DB_PORT="" //(DataBase UserName) DB_USER="" //(Database Password) DB_PASSWORD="" //(Database Name) DB_NAME=""
To run in development, Run
yarn dev:ts
. -
To run in tests, Run
yarn test
The Backend of Tasks Management
system would be implemented using the typical framework of express which includes:
- Models
- Services
- Controllers
- Routers
- @Mohamed Helmi (Senior Software Engineer)
The above provides a quick overview on how the code has been setup, would be developed and built.
You will now be able to access CRUD (create, read) endpoints
[POST] http://localhost:3000/login
Login endpoint{ "email": "", "password": " }
[POST] http://localhost:3000/signup
Sigup endpoint{ "name": "", "email": "", "password": "" }
[POST] http://localhost:3000/forget-password
ForgetPassword endpoint{ "email": "", }
[GET] http://localhost:3000/tasks
Get Tasks endpoint -
[POST] http://localhost:3000/tasks
Create New Task{ "title": "", "projectId": "", optional "status": "", optional }
[GET] http://localhost:3000/projects
Get Projects endpoint -
[POST] http://localhost:3000/projects
Create New Project{ "name": "" }
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