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Environment Variables Configuration

Camden Moors edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 36 revisions


All settings are contained within apps/backend/.env, or .env-prod when using a Docker production deployment. If no file exists at apps/backend/.env, then environment variables will be used.


Heimdall is configured using a .env config file or environment variables. If any setting described below is not present then a default value will be used.


  • PORT: The port that Heimdall starts up on. (Defaults to port 3000)
  • DATABASE_HOST: The host where your PostgreSQL instance is running (Defaults to
  • DATABASE_PORT: The host where your PostgreSQL instance is running (Defaults to 5432)
  • DATABASE_USERNAME: Username to authenticate to the database (Defaults to postgres)
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD: Password to authenticate to the database (Defaults to no password)>
  • DATABASE_NAME: Name of the database (Defaults to heimdall-server-{$NODE_ENV})
  • JWT_SECRET: JSON Web Token Secret, you can quickly generate this by running rand -hex 128 (No default, must be set)
  • JWT_EXPIRE_TIME: How long you want each user session to last (e.g 30m, 1h, 1d. Default is 60s)
  • NODE_ENV: The environment you're deploying Heimdall in, for general deployment use production (No default, must be set)
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: To specify an administrator password that will be used during initial setup. (Will generate a random password by default, it will only be shown to you during the initial setup)
  • EXTERNAL_URL: The external URL for your Heimdall deployment, for example When setting up alternate authentication, you should use this host as a valid callback domain. (No default, must be set)
  • MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE: The maximum size for evaluation uploads in megabytes (Defaults to 50)
  • HEIMDALL_HEADLESS_TESTS: If integration tests should run in headless mode (Defaults to true)
  • REGISTRATION_DISABLED: If public user registration should be allowed, if not then only the administrator user can create users (Defaults to false)

Alternate Authentication

Heimdall supports multiple methods of authentication, currently we support:

  • Local Authentication
  • LDAP/Active Directory
  • Google OAuth
  • GitHub (Public/Enterprise) OAuth
  • GitLab OAuth
  • Okta OAuth
  • OpenID Connect

If you would like support for another system, please open a feature request here.

Most strategies has their own values for Client ID, Client Secret, and extras.


The default values are centered towards Active Directory, but Heimdall will work with most standard LDAP setups.

  • LDAP_ENABLED: If you want to enable LDAP login (Defaults to false)
  • LDAP_HOST: Your LDAP target server (No default, must be set if using LDAP)
  • LDAP_PORT: Your LDAP target port (Defaults to 389)
  • LDAP_BINDDN: The Dn of the user you will use for lookups (No default, must be set if using LDAP)
  • LDAP_PASSWORD: The password for the previously specified BindDN (No default, must be set if using LDAP)
  • LDAP_SEARCHBASE: The organizational unit you want to search for users in (If using standard AD configuration you probably want "OU=Users, DC=<yourdomain>, DC=local". No default, must be set if using LDAP)
  • LDAP_SEARCHFILTER: Your LDAP search filter (Defaults to sAMAccountName={{username}} for AD users)
  • LDAP_NAMEFIELD: The field that contains your LDAP users' full name. (Defaults to name for AD users)
  • LDAP_MAILFIELD: The field that contains your LDAP users' email address. (Defaults to mail for AD users)


Create a Google Cloud Platform project and enable Oauth 2.0. For more instructions see this.

  • GOOGLE_CLIENTID: Your application's client ID (Looks like No default, must be set if using Google login)
  • GOOGLE_CLIENTSECRET: Your application's client secret (No default, must be set if using Google Login)


You can use a GitHub OAuth App for this. Generate one here.

  • GITHUB_CLIENTID: Your application's client ID (No default, must be set if using GitHub login)
  • GITHUB_CLIENTSECRET: Your application's client secret (No default, must be set if using GitHub login)
  • GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_INSTANCE_BASE_URL: GitHub Enterprise Instance Base URL (Defaults to
  • GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_INSTANCE_API_URL: GitHub Enterprise Instance API URL (Defaults to


Use a GitLab application for this, generate one here.

  • GITLAB_CLIENTID: Your application's client ID (No default, must be set if using GitLab login)
  • GITLAB_CLIENTSECRET: Your application's client secret (No default, must be set if using GitLab login)
  • GITLAB_BASEURL: The base URL for your Gitlab instance (Defaults to


Create an OAuth 2.0 app in Okta. For more instructions see this.

  • OKTA_DOMAIN: Your assigned Okta domain (No default, must be set if using Okta login)
  • OKTA_CLIENTID: Your application's client ID (No default, must be set if using Okta login)
  • OKTA_CLIENTSECRET: Your application's client secret (No default, must be set if using Okta login)

Open ID Connect

Use your own services supporting the Open ID Connect Standard.

  • OIDC_NAME: What you want your authentication method to be named within Heimdall (No default, must be set if using OIDC login)
  • OIDC_ISSUER: Your OIDC base URL, for example: (No default, must be set if using OIDC login)
  • OIDC_AUTHORIZATION_URL: Your OIDC authorization endpoint, for example: (No default, must be set if using OIDC login)
  • OIDC_TOKEN_URL: Your OIDC token endpoint, for example: (No default, must be set if using OIDC login)
  • OIDC_USER_INFO_URL: Your OIDC user info endpoint, for example: (No default, must be set if using OIDC login)
  • OIDC_CLIENTID: Your OIDC Client ID (No default, must be set if using OIDC login)
  • OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: Your OIDC Client Secret (No default, must be set if using OIDC login)
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