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Chris edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

SVONNavigation Component

This component should be added to your pawn or controller. It's main purpose is to check the pawn is inside a valid SVONVolume, and expose some pathfinding settings.

Settings are in the details panel under the 'SVO Navigation' section

Debug Settings

Debug Print Current Position

Prints the current SVO Link position of the owning actor, at the actors position. Layer:NodeIndex:SubNodeIndex.

Debug Print Morton Codes

Prints the current morton code of the owning actor, at the actor's position. Layer:MortonCode.

Debug Draw Open Nodes DEPRECATED

Does not work

Navigation Settings (Heuristics)

Use Unit Cost

When checked, ignores the size of a node when calculating the cost of traversing it. Enabling this will cause the pathfinder to tend towards routes that utilise larger nodes, potentially hugely reducing your A* iterations.

Suggested default : On

Unit Cost

The fixed value cost for traversing a node, when Use Unit Cost is checked. Experiment with changing this value.

Suggested default : Depends in the size of your voxels, try 10

Estimate Weight

Multiplier for the heuristic score element of the fScore. Increasing this makes the algorithm favour the locally optimal path (more greedy).

Suggested default : 2.f

Node Size Compensation

Node traversal cost multiplier, based on layer. Increasing this value above 1.0f makes smaller nodes more expensive, causing the pathfinder to favour larger nodes.

Suggested default : 1.f

Path Cost Type

Use either Euclidean or Manhattan distance for estimating distance cost.

Suggested default : Euclidean

Smoothing Iterations DEPRECATED

Not currently working.

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