There are many ways for you to contribute to VS Code Remote Development (WSL, Remote - SSH, Remote - Tunnels, Dev Containers). This document will outline a number of ways you can get involved.
Have you identified a reproducible problem in VS Code Remote extensions? Have a feature request? We want to hear about it! Here's how you can make reporting your issue as effective as possible.
This repository is specifically for the VS Code Remote Development extension pack and related extensions. Consider these other locations for your feedback if your issue is not directly related to these extensions:
- If you are encountering an issue with another extension when running in a remote environment, please raise an issue in the extension's repository. You can reference the summary of tips for resolving extension issues and our extension guide to help the extension author get started.
- You can report issues related to offically maintained Dev Container Templates at devcontainers/templates.
- You can report issues related to offically maintained Dev Container Features at devcontainers/features.
- Image issues for
images can be raised at devcontainers/images. - For issues related to the Dev Container specification, raise an issue at devcontainers/spec.
- For issues related to the Dev Container CLI, raise an issue at devcontainers/cli.
- Github Codespaces issues should be raised in GitHub Feedback.
- If you are not looking to report an issue related to these extensions, you may be looking for the VS Code OSS repository. However, note that, the VS Code project is distributed across multiple repositories. See the list of Related Projects if you aren't sure which repo is correct.
Before you create a new issue, please do a search in open issues to see if the issue or feature request has already been filed.
Be sure to scan through the most popular feature requests.
If you find your issue already exists, make relevant comments and add your reaction. Use a reaction in place of a "+1" comment:
- 👍 - upvote
- 👎 - downvote
If you cannot find an existing issue that describes your bug or feature, create a new issue using the guidelines below.
File a single issue per problem and feature request. Do not enumerate multiple bugs or feature requests in the same issue.
Do not add your issue as a comment to an existing issue unless it's for the identical input. Many issues look similar, but have different causes.
The more information you can provide, the more likely someone will be successful at reproducing the issue and finding a fix.
Please include the following with each issue:
Version of VS Code
What type of remote connection you were using: SSH, Containers, WSL
Your operating system
The remote operating system you are connecting to
List of extensions that you have installed
Reproducible steps (1... 2... 3...) that cause the issue
What you expected to see, versus what you actually saw
Images, animations, or a link to a video showing the issue occurring
A code snippet that demonstrates the issue or a link to a code repository the developers can easily pull down to recreate the issue locally
- Note: Because the developers need to copy and paste the code snippet, including a code snippet as a media file (i.e. .gif) is not sufficient.
Errors from the Dev Tools Console (open from the menu: Help > Toggle Developer Tools)
If you are using VS Code Remote - Container support, include your container configuration files if you are able to.
Please remember to do the following:
Search the issue repository to ensure your report is a new issue
Recreate the issue after disabling all extensions
Simplify your code around the issue to better isolate the problem
Don't feel bad if the developers can't reproduce the issue right away. They will simply ask for more information!
Once submitted, your report will go into the a similar issue tracking workflow that is used for the core VS Code project. Be sure to understand what will happen next, so you know what to expect, and how to continue to assist throughout the process.
We use a bot to help us manage issues. This bot currently:
- Automatically closes any issue marked
if there has been no response in the past 7 days. - Automatically locks issues 45 days after they are closed.
If you believe the bot got something wrong, please open a new issue and let us know.
If you want to contribute to our documentation, please submit a pull request (or raise an issue) in the vscode-docs repository.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
Your contributions, large or small, make great projects like this possible. Thank you for taking the time to contribute.