This is a boson command for searching the PubMed database of biomedical articles and abstracts. This library allows articles to be queried more efficiently at the command line as opposed to navigating the PubMed website in a browser. Suggestions and patches are welcome through the github repository or though github issues.
> gem install boson bio
> boson install --default
> boson install
> boson query -t genome --email="YOUR_EMAIL"
| first_author | title | year |
| Weiss, M. | Shotgun p... | 2010 |
| van Breuk... | LysNDeNov... | 2010 |
| Leocard, S. | Evolution... | 2010 |
| Collas, P. | The Curre... | 2010 |
| Kopertekh... | Cre-media... | 2010 |
This command has additional options which allows PubMed to be queried more specifically. Boson lists these options automatically and each option is explained below.
> boson -hv query
> query [terms][--authors=A,B,C] [--number=5] [--year=N] [--email=EMAIL]
| Option | Alias | Type |
| --authors | -a | array |
| --email | -e | string |
| --journal | -j | string |
| --number | -n | numeric |
| --year | -y | numeric |
NCBI requires that all programmatic queries to the API provide an email address so that the author can be contacted if there is a problem. This means an email address must be provided when using this library. Fortunately boson allows default options to be added so that you don't need to add your email address every time you run a command. For example add this to your ~/.boson/config/boson.yml
:email: YOUR_EMAIL
Which allows
# This ...
> boson query -t genome --email="YOUR_EMAIL"
# ... to be written more concisely as this.
> boson query -t genome
By default the first five results are returned for each query. This can however be changed using the --number option. Be warned though, more results will take longer to return.
# These commands both return the same result.
# The second uses the shorter option alias
> boson query -terms genome --number=3
> boson query -t genome -n3
| first_author | title | year |
| Weiss, M. | Shotgun proteo... | 2010 |
| van Breukelen, B. | LysNDeNovo: an... | 2010 |
| Leocard, S. | Evolution of t... | 2010 |
These options allow PubMed to be queried using specific article terms such as the names of authors, year published, or the journal in which it was published. Terms can be used individually or combined into larger queries.
# These two commands are the same
> boson query -terms genome --journal=bioinformatics --authors=smith --year=2005
> boson query -t genome -j=bioinformatics -a=smith -y2005
| first_author | title | year |
| Goldovsky, L. | CoGenT++: an ex... | 2005 |
| Cheung, K. H. | YeastHub: a sem... | 2005 |
| Sumazin, P. | DWE: discrimina... | 2005 |
The menu_pipe plugin for boson allows fields to be passed to other boson commands. This means an entry can be opened in the browser - currently only works on OSX though.
# The global menu flag option -m is added after everything else
> boson query -t genome -j=bioinformatics -a=smith -y2005 - -m
| first_author | title | year |
| Goldovsky, L. | CoGenT++: an ex... | 2005 |
| Cheung, K. H. | YeastHub: a sem... | 2005 |
| Sumazin, P. | DWE: discrimina... | 2005 |
3 rows in set
Specify individual choices (4,7), range of choices (1-3) or all choices (*).
: urllt field
Default command: browser
Choose: 1
# This pubmed entry is then opened in the browser
Boson has tools for sorting and displaying fields already baked in. This allows only only a subset of fields to be displayed, for example:
> boson query -t genome --fields=PMID,title
> boson query -t genome -f=P,t
| PMID | title |
| 20077411 | Shotgun proteomics data from multiple organisms reveals rem... |
| 20077410 | LysNDeNovo: an algorithm enabling de novo sequencing of Lys... |
| 20077118 | Evolution of the ancestral recombination graph along the ge... |
| 20077036 | The Current State of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation. |
| 20076992 | Cre-mediated seed-specific transgene excision in tobacco. |
Or for the returned results to be displayed vertically and sorted by first author name:
boson query -t genome --fields=PMID,first_author,year --vertical --sort=first_author
boson query -t genome -f=P,f,y -V -s=f
****************** 1. row ******************
PMID: 20077036
first_author: Collas, P.
year: 2010
****************** 2. row ******************
PMID: 20076992
first_author: Kopertekh, L.
year: 2010
****************** 3. row ******************
PMID: 20077118
first_author: Leocard, S.
year: 2010
This is only a few lines of code that builds upon the excellent boson tool by Gabriel Horner. Pubmed is fetched and parsed using the bioruby library.