- Nicolas Can, University of Lille, France (@ptitloup)
A list of much-appreciated contributors who have submitted patches and reported bugs for the V3:
- Olivier Bado-Faustin, University Cote d'Azur (design and template)
- Nicolas Lahoche, University of Lille (design and template) with all the PRI Team
- Nathaniel Burlot, University of Lille (member of PRI team for Logo and color of V3)
- Céline Didier and Matthieu Bildstein, University of Lorraine (Live's Event App)
- Farid Ait Karra, University of Lille (Docker part)
- Maxime Taisne and Laurine Sajdak, University of Lille (Documentation and User part)
- French Ministry of Education (who funded the development of some features)
- Elygames
- OrionStudio
A list of much-appreciated contributors who have submitted patches and reported bugs:
- Joël Obled, Esup-Portail Consortium, France (@DrClockwork)
- Charlotte Benard (Logo and color of V2)
- Frederic Sene, INSA Rennes
- Frédéric Colau, Eliam Lotonga and Jeremie Grepilloux, University Grenoble Alpes
- Loic Bonavent, University of Montpellier
- Guillaume Condesse, University of Bordeaux
- All participants of the October 2018 Pod Technical Workshop
- default.svg: adapted from Play button Icon by Freepik - Freepik License
- cookie.svg: Broken oatmeal cookie created by pch.vector - Freepik License
- default-playlist.svg: Music, Note, Musical Note by krzysztof-m - Pixabay free for use & download licence