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Ardesco edited this page Mar 14, 2012 · 32 revisions

Version 1.4.1 Release Notes

* issue \#34 - plugin now uses the jmeter.exit.check.pause set in the final used by the plugin and is no longer hard coded to 2000.
* issue \#37 - plugin now uses a listener instead of scanning log files to work out when test has completed.

Version 1.4.0 Release Notes

  • New -> com.lazerycode.jmeter

  • New -> jmeter-maven-plugin

  • Depends on the official Apache JMeter 2.6 artifacts (now available at

  • Incompatible configuration element changes

    • Custom property file locations cannnot be configured directly any more, they have to be put into <<src/test/jmeter/>>

    • Renamed/moved properties:

      • includes -> testFilesIncluded

      • excludes -> testFilesExcluded

      • srcDir -> testFilesDirectory

      • enableReports -> reportConfig->enableReports

      • reportDir -> reportConfig->outputDirectory

      • reportPostfix -> reportConfig->postfix

      • reportXslt -> reportConfig->xsltFile

      • jmeterIgnoreFailure -> ignoreResultFailures

      • jmeterIgnoreError -> ignoreResultErrors

      • jmeterUserProperties -> propertiesUser

      • jmeterDefaultPropertiesFile -> propertiesJMeter

  • New properties

    (Used to configure Proxy)

    • proxyConfiguration->host
    • proxyConfiguration->port
    • proxyConfiguration->username
    • proxyConfiguration->password
    • proxyConfiguration->nonProxyHosts

    (Used to configure handling of remote testing)

    • remoteConfiguration->start
    • remoteConfiguration->stop
    • remoteConfiguration->startAll
    • remoteConfiguration->startAndStopOnce


    • suppressJMeterOutput(Default: true) - suppress JMeter output to standard out.
    • testResultsTimestamp(Default: true) - enableReports/disable timestamping of the results filename(s).