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Training ERFNet in Pytorch

PyTorch code for training ERFNet model on Cityscapes. The code was based initially on the code from bodokaiser/piwise, adapted with several custom added modifications and tweaks. Some of them are:

  • Load cityscapes dataset
  • ERFNet model definition
  • Calculate IoU on each epoch during training
  • Save snapshots and best model during training
  • Save additional output files useful for checking results (see below "Output files...")
  • Resume training from checkpoint (use "--resume" flag in the command)


For all options and defaults please see the bottom of the "" file. Required ones are --savedir (name for creating a new folder with all the outputs of the training) and --datadir (path to cityscapes directory).

Example commands

Train encoder with 150 epochs and batch=6 and then train decoder (decoder training starts after encoder training):

python --savedir erfnet_training1 --datadir /home/datasets/cityscapes/ --num-epochs 150 --batch-size 6 

Train decoder using encoder's pretrained weights with ImageNet:

python --savedir erfnet_training1 --datadir /home/datasets/cityscapes/ --num-epochs 150 --batch-size 6 --decoder --pretrainedEncoder "../trained_models/erfnet_encoder_pretrained.pth.tar"

Output files generated for each training:

Each training will create a new folder in the "erfnet_pytorch/save/" directory named with the parameter --savedir and the following files:

  • automated_log.txt: Plain text file that contains in columns the following info of each epoch {Epoch, Train-loss,Test-loss,Train-IoU,Test-IoU, learningRate}. Can be used to plot using Gnuplot or Excel.
  • best.txt: Plain text file containing a line with the best IoU achieved during training and its epoch.
  • checkpoint.pth.tar: bundle file that contains the checkpoint of the last trained epoch, contains the following elements: 'epoch' (epoch number as int), 'arch' (net definition as a string), 'state_dict' (saved weights dictionary loadable by pytorch), 'best_acc' (best achieved accuracy as float), 'optimizer' (saved optimizer parameters).
  • {model}.py: copy of the model file used (default
  • model.txt: Plain text that displays the model's layers
  • model_best.pth: saved weights of the epoch that achieved best val accuracy.
  • model_best.pth.tar: Same parameters as "checkpoint.pth.tar" but for the epoch with best val accuracy.
  • opts.txt: Plain text file containing the options used for this training

NOTE: Encoder trainings have an added "_encoder" tag to each file's name.

IoU display during training

NEW: In previous code, IoU was calculated using a port of the cityscapes scripts, but new code has been added in "" to make it class-general, non-dependable on other code, and much faster (using cuda)

By default, only Validation IoU is calculated for faster training (can be changed in options)


If you want to visualize the outputs during training add the "--visualize" flag and open an extra tab with:

python -m visdom.server -port 8097

The plots will be available using the browser in


If you wish to specify which GPUs to use, use the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES command: