The protocol is called GPGL (Graphtec Plotter Graphics Language)
"\x1b\x04" # initialize plotter "\x1b\x05" # status request (works already before initialize) # Response "%d\x03" 0 ready, 1 moving, 2 empty tray "TT\x03" # home the cutter "FG\x03" # query version # Response "CAMEO V1.10 \x03" "FW%d\x03" % media # 100-138,300 "!%d\x03" % speed # 1..10 "FX%d\x03" % press # 1..33 "FC%d\x03" % off # off=18: cutting, off=0: pen. Other values unknown. #FC p,q,[n] [t] "FY%d\x03" % enh # enh=1/0: Trackenhancing on/off "FN%d\x03" %ori # ori=1/0: Landscape/Portrait "FE0\x03" # ?? "TB71\x03" # ?? # Response " 0, 0\x03" "FA\x03" # begin page definition "FU%d,%d\x03" % (w,h) # h,w page dimensions without top/left margin. Needed to start left. "FM1\x03" # ?? --------------------------------- if registraion marks "TB50,381\x03" "TB99\x03" "TB55,1\x03" "TB%d,%d%d\x03" % (s,w,h) # s=123 if regsearch, 23 else. w=regwidth*20, h=reglength*20 # registration mark test /1-2: 180.0mm / 1-3: 230.0mm (origin 15mmx20mm) "FQ5\x03" # Response " 0, 0\x03" # Response " 0\x03" // if reg marks work we get 3 messages back # Response " 1\x03" --------------------------------- else "TB50,1\x03" # no registration marks?? --------------------------------- endif registration marks "FO%d\x03" % h # feed command?, 5588 max? "&100,100,100,\\0,0,Z%d,%d,L0," % (w,h) # Switch to Data mode.... -------------------------------------------------------- "&1,1,1,TB50,0\x03" # ?? # Back from Data mode. "FO0\x03" # feed the page out "H," # halt?
More USB sniffing done. This is the code to draw a triangle with a freshly downloaded Silhouette Studio version 3.3.451 . Note that some of the obscure commands (&x,y,z 'Factor'; H, Halt?) are no longer there. I used the new 'Feed' option, instead of 'Do Return to Origin' which was a hard coded setting in older versions. This produces an additional M (move command), followed by SO0 (Set Origin 0), which redefines the page origin to be below the drawing. Yeah! This feature finally allows me to fill a page with multiple plots or cuts. It is especially useful for my mat-free cutting feature, where rewinding the cut paper was likely to tear the design apart.
0x1B 0x05 .. - 0x30 0x03 FN0 TB50,0 \30,30 FX1 !8 FC18 FE0,0 FF0,0,0 M175.24,577.08 D157.96,587.14 D678.70,884.62 D675.96,284.92 D157.96,587.14 D175.32,597.06 0x1B 0x05 - 0x31 0x03 ... 0x1B 0x05 - 0x30 0x03 FX5 !10 FC18 FE0,0 FF0,0,0 L0 \0,0 M678.70,30 SO0 FN0 TB50,0 0x1B 0x05 - 0x31 0x03 ... 0x1B 0x05 - 0x30 0x03