abstraction | free construction |
Monoid | List, Vector |
Functor | Yoneda, Coyoneda, Density, Codensity, Right Kan Extension, Left Kan Extension, Day Convolution |
Applicative | FreeApplicative |
Alternative | Free Alternative |
Traversable | CoFree Traverse |
Monad | Free Monads, Codensity, Right Kan Extension |
Comonad | CoFree, Density |
Profunctor | Profunctor CoYoneda, Profunctor Yoneda, Tambara, Pastro, Cotambara, Copastro, TambaraSum, PastroSum, CotambaraSum, CopastroSum, Closure, Environment, CofreeTraversing, FreeTraversing, Traversing |
ProfunctorFunctor | Profunctor CoYoneda, Profunctor Yoneda, Tambara, Pastro, Cotambara, Copastro, TambaraSum, PastroSum, CotambaraSum, CopastroSum, Closure, Environment, CofreeTraversing, FreeTraversing |
ProfunctorMonad | Pastro, Copastro, PastroSum, CopastroSum, Environment, FreeTraversing |
ProfunctorComonad | Tambara, Cotambara, TambaraSum, CotambaraSum, Closure, CofreeTraversing |
Strong | Tambara, Pastro, Traversing |
Costrong | Cotambara, Copastro |
Choice | TambaraSum, PastroSum |
Cochoice | CotambaraSum, CopastroSum, Traversing |
Closed | Closure, Environment |
Traversing | CofreeTraversing, FreeTraversing |
Arrow | Free Arrow |
- Cats docs
- Free Applicative Functors - Paolo Capriotti, Ambrus Kaposi (paper)
- Move Over Free Monads: Make Way for Free Applicatives! - John deGoes (video)
- Flavours of free applicative functors - Roman Cheplyaka (blog post)
ADT (sometimes implemented using Fix point data type)
sealed trait FreeMonad[F[_], A]
final case class Return[F[_], A](a: A) extends FreeMonad[F, A]
final case class Suspend[F[_], A](s: F[FreeMonad[F,A]]) extends FreeMonad[F,A]
that form a Monad, if F is a functor
def freeMonad[F[_]](implicit FF: Functor[F]): Monad[FreeMonad[F, *]] = new Monad[FreeMonad[F, *]] {
def flatMap[A, B](ma: FreeMonad[F, A])(f: A => FreeMonad[F, B]): FreeMonad[F, B] =
ma match {
case Return(a) => f(a)
case Suspend(m) => Suspend{
def ff: FreeMonad[F, A] => FreeMonad[F, B] = x => flatMap(x)(f)
def pure[A](a: A): FreeMonad[F, A] = Return(a)
- Resources
- Cats docs
- Why the free Monad isn’t free - Kelley Robinson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvNgoeZza2g
- Beyond Free Monads - John DeGoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-lmrvsUi2Y
- Free as in Monads - Daniel Spiewak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKUQUIHRGec
- Free Monoids and Free Monads - Rúnar Bjarnason (blog post)
- (Haskell) Free Monoids in Haskell - Dan Doel (blog post)
- (Haskell) Many Roads to Free Monads - Dan Doel (blog post)
- (Haskell) Meta-programming with the Free Monad - John Wiegley (blog post)
- (Haskell) Notes on Free monads - John Wiegley (blog post)
- (Theory) nLab
Implementations: Haskell transformers-free Haskell free Purescript
- Free monad transformers - Gabriel Gonzalez (blog post)
Create comonad for any given type A. It is based on rose tree (multiple nodes, value in each node) where List is replaced with any Functor F. Functor F dedicdes how Cofree comonad is branching.
case class Cofree[A, F[_]](extract: A, sub: F[Cofree[A, F]])(implicit functor: Functor[F]) {
def map[B](f: A => B): Cofree[B, F] = Cofree(f(extract), functor.map(sub)(_.map(f)))
def duplicate: Cofree[Cofree[A, F], F] = Cofree(this, functor.map(sub)(_.duplicate))
def extend[B](f: Cofree[A, F] => B): Cofree[B, F] = duplicate.map(f) // coKleisi composition
- Resources
- Cofree used to process events Kafka tenable/Kastle
- Scala Comonad Tutorial, Part 2 - Rúnar Bjarnason (blog post)
- scalaz (src Cofree)
- Cofree Comonads and their Uses - λC 2018 - Nihil Shah (video)
- Resources
- Cofree Traversable Functors - Love Waern (paper)
- KingoftheHomeless/Cofree-Traversable-Functors
- The Cofree Traversable (Reddit)
- Twitter discussion
- Resources
- Haskell free/Control.Alternative.Free
- Structurally enforced Free Alternative, without left distributivity - SO
- Routing With Cofree Comonad - Marcin Szamotulski (video) (slides) (repo)
- Applicative Regular Expressions using the Free Alternative - Justin Le (blog pos)
- Building free arrows from components (blog post)