This folder contains scripts that (when executed) create a dataset
named, optimization_workshop
, with several tables inside the dataset.
These tables are populated with information to help you optimize your BigQuery
tables, views, and queries.
Run all the .sql scripts within this folder using the following commands:
gcloud auth login &&
The anti-pattern-recognittion-tool-scripts
subfolder contains additional scripts that need to be executed separetly to run
the Anti-pattern Recognition Tool:
bash ./anti-pattern-recognittion-tool-scripts/ \
--input_table_name="optimization_workshop.viewable_queries_grouped_by_hash" \
--input_table_id_col_name="Query_Hash" \
--input_table_query_text_col_name="Query_Raw_Sample" \
bash ./anti-pattern-recognittion-tool-scripts/ \
--input_table_name="optimization_workshop.queries_grouped_by_hash_project" \
--input_table_id_col_name="query_hash" \
--input_table_query_text_col_name="top_10_jobs[SAFE_OFFSET(0)].query_text" \
Te above command tales the <dataset>.<tablename>
as input. In can be executed on any table with a schema similar to the one generated by viewable_queries_grouped_by_hash
The scripts are described in more detail in the following sections.
Project level analysis enables us to understand key metrics such as slot_time, bytes_scanned, bytes_shuffled and bytes_spilled on a daily basis within a project. The metrics are examined as averages, medians and p80s. This enables us to understand at a high level what jobs within a project consume 80% of the time and 50% of the time daily.
🔍 Daily project metrics
The daily_project_analysis.sql script creates a
table called,
of daily slot consumption metrics (for a 30day period)
for all your projects.
Top 100 tables with the highest slot consumption
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.daily_project_analysis ORDER BY total_slot_ms DESC LIMIT 100
🔍 BigQuery Clustering/Partitioning Recommender Tool
The BigQuery partitioning and clustering recommender analyzes workflows on your BigQuery tables and offers recommendations to better optimize your workflows and query costs using either table partitioning or table clustering. The recommender uses your BigQuery's workload execution data from the past 30 days to analyze each BigQuery table for suboptimal partitioning and clustering configurations.
[!IMPORTANT] Before you can view partition and cluster recommendations, you need to enable the Recommender API as shown in the following sections.
# The following script retrieves all distinct projects from the JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION view
# and then enables the recommender API for each project.
bq query \
--nouse_legacy_sql \
--format=csv \
| sed 1d
for proj in $projects; do
gcloud services --project="${proj}" enable &
resource "google_project_service" "recommender_service" {
project = "your-project"
service = ""
Once you've enabled the Recommender API, you can view your partition and cluster recommendations in the Cloud Console or via the gcloud command-line tool.
[!NOTE] The most scalable method for viewing your partition and cluster recommendations is to export your recommendations to BigQuery. You can do this by creating a Data Transfer Service (DTS) job to export your recommendations to BigQuery. See Exporting recommendations to BigQuery for more information.
Once you set up the DTS job to export your recommendations to BigQuery, you can run the following query to get the most recent recommendations for partitioning and clustering your tables.
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION extract_table(target_resources ARRAY<STRING>) AS((
REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_EXTRACT(target_resource, r'\/projects\/(.*?\/datasets\/.*?\/tables\/.*)'), "(/datasets/|/tables/)", ".")
FROM UNNEST(target_resources) target_resource)[OFFSET(0)]
MAX(last_refresh_time) AS latest_recommendation_time,
recommender_subtype AS recommendation,
last_refresh_time) AS columns_to_cluster_or_partition,
extract_table(target_resources) AS table,
bqutil.fn.table_url(extract_table(target_resources)) AS table_url,
JSON_VALUE(PARSE_JSON(recommendation_details).overview.partitionTimeUnit) AS partition_time_unit,
-- Replace the table below with your own table that you created when you
-- set up the DTS job to export your recommendations to BigQuery.
FROM YOUR_PROJECT.YOUR_DATASET.recommendations_export
WHERE recommender = "google.bigquery.table.PartitionClusterRecommender"
GROUP BY recommendation, table, partition_time_unit, table_url
🔍 Tables with query read patterns
The table_read_patterns.sql script creates a table
named, table_read_patterns
, that contains usage data to help you determine:
- Which tables (when queried) are resulting in high slot consumption.
- Which tables are most frequently queried.
Tables grouped by similar filter predicates
SELECT table_id, bqutil.fn.table_url(table_id) AS table_url, (SELECT STRING_AGG(column ORDER BY COLUMN) FROM UNNEST(predicates)) column_list, (SELECT STRING_AGG(operator ORDER BY COLUMN) FROM UNNEST(predicates)) operator_list, (SELECT STRING_AGG(value ORDER BY COLUMN) FROM UNNEST(predicates)) value_list, SUM(stage_slot_ms) AS total_slot_ms, COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(creation_time)) as num_days_queried, COUNT(*) AS num_occurrences, COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) as job_count, ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(project_id,':us.',job_id) ORDER BY total_slot_ms LIMIT 10) AS job_id_array, ARRAY_AGG(bqutil.fn.job_url(project_id || ':us.' || job_id)) AS job_url_array, FROM optimization_workshop.table_read_patterns GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5;
Top 100 tables with the highest slot consumption
SELECT table_id, bqutil.fn.table_url(table_id) AS table_url, SUM(stage_slot_ms) AS total_slot_ms, COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(creation_time)) as num_days_queried, COUNT(*) AS num_occurrences, COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) as job_count, FROM optimization_workshop.table_read_patterns GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY total_slot_ms DESC LIMIT 100
Top 100 most frequently queried tables
SELECT table_id, bqutil.fn.table_url(table_id) AS table_url, SUM(stage_slot_ms) AS total_slot_ms, COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(creation_time)) as num_days_queried, COUNT(*) AS num_occurrences, COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) as job_count, FROM optimization_workshop.table_read_patterns GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY num_occurrences DESC LIMIT 100
🔍 Tables without partitioning or clustering
The tables_without_partitioning_or_clustering.sql
script creates a table named, tables_without_part_clust
that contains a list of tables which meet any of the following conditions:
- not partitioned
- not clustered
- neither partitioned nor clustered
Top 100 largest tables without partitioning or clustering
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.tables_without_part_clust ORDER BY logical_gigabytes DESC LIMIT 100
🔍 Actively read tables with partitioning and clustering information
[!IMPORTANT] The actively_read_tables_with_partitioning_clustering_info.sql script depends on the
table so you must first run the table_read_patterns.sql script.
The actively_read_tables_with_partitioning_clustering_info.sql
script creates a table named, actively_read_tables_with_part_clust_info
that contains a list of actively read tables along with their partitioning and
clustering information.
Top 100 largest actively read tables without partitioning or clustering
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.actively_read_tables_with_part_clust_info WHERE clustering_columns IS NULL OR partitioning_column IS NULL ORDER BY logical_gigabytes DESC LIMIT 100
🔍 Tables receiving high quantity of daily DML statements
The frequent_daily_table_dml.sql script creates
a table named, frequent_daily_table_dml
, that contains tables that have had
more than 24 daily DML statements run against them in the past 30 days.
Top 100 tables with the most DML statements per table in a day
SELECT table_id, table_url, ANY_VALUE(dml_execution_date HAVING MAX daily_dml_per_table) AS sample_dml_execution_date, ANY_VALUE(job_urls[OFFSET(0)] HAVING MAX daily_dml_per_table) AS sample_dml_job_url, MAX(daily_dml_per_table) max_daily_table_dml, FROM optimization_workshop.frequent_daily_table_dml GROUP BY table_id, table_url ORDER BY max_daily_table_dml DESC LIMIT 100;
🔍 Views with non-optimal JOIN conditions
The views_with_nonoptimal_join_condition.sql
script creates a table named, views_with_nonoptimal_join_condition
, that
contains views with JOINs where the JOIN condition is potentially non-optimal.
🔍 Queries grouped by hash
The queries_grouped_by_hash.sql script creates a
table named,
. This table groups queries by their normalized query
pattern, which ignores
comments, parameter values, UDFs, and literals in the query text.
This allows us to group queries that are logically the same, but
have different literals. The queries_grouped_by_hash
table does not expose the
raw SQL text of the queries.
The viewable_queries_grouped_by_hash.sql
script creates a table named,
. This table is similar to
the queries_grouped_by_hash
table, but it
exposes the raw SQL text of the queries.
The viewable_queries_grouped_by_hash.sql
script runs much slower
in execution than the queries_grouped_by_hash.sql
script because it has to
loop over all projects and for each
For example, the following queries would be grouped together because the date literal filters are ignored:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE date = '2020-01-01';
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE date = '2020-01-02';
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE date = '2020-01-03';
Running the
bash script will build and run the Anti-Pattern Recognition tool and output the results to the viewable_queries_grouped_by_hash
table in the recommendation
column. The tool will identify syntaxes that are know to frequently cause performance issues.
Top 100 queries with the highest bytes processed
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.queries_grouped_by_hash ORDER BY total_gigabytes_processed DESC LIMIT 100
Top 100 recurring queries with the highest slot hours consumed
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.queries_grouped_by_hash ORDER BY total_slot_hours * days_active * job_count DESC LIMIT 100
🔍 Queries grouped by script
The queries_grouped_by_script.sql script
creates a table named,
. This table groups queries by their parent job id
which means that any queries that
were executed as part of a script (multi-statement query) will be grouped
together. This table is helpful if you
want to see which particular scripts are most inefficient.
Top 100 scripts with the highest bytes processed
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.queries_grouped_by_script ORDER BY total_gigabytes_processed DESC LIMIT 100
Top 100 scripts with the highest slot hours consumed
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.queries_grouped_by_script ORDER BY total_slot_hours DESC LIMIT 100
Top 100 scripts with the highest slot hours consumed that doesn't include INFO_SCHEMA views
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.queries_grouped_by_script WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(referenced_tables) table WHERE table LIKE "INFORMATION_SCHEMA%" ) ORDER BY total_slots DESC LIMIT 100
🔍 Queries grouped by labels
The queries_grouped_by_labels.sql script
creates a table named,
. This table groups queries by their labels
(after formatting all labels as a STRUCT string) which allows you to analyze
different groups of queries based on their labels.
🔍 Queries with performance insights
The query_performance_insights.sql script
creates a table named, query_performance_insights
retrieves all queries that
have had performance insights
generated for them in the past 30 days.
Top 100 queries with most # of performance insights
SELECT job_url, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM UNNEST(performance_insights.stage_performance_standalone_insights) perf_insight WHERE perf_insight.slot_contention ) AS num_stages_with_slot_contention, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM UNNEST(performance_insights.stage_performance_standalone_insights) perf_insight WHERE perf_insight.insufficient_shuffle_quota ) AS num_stages_with_insufficient_shuffle_quota, (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(perf_insight.input_data_change.records_read_diff_percentage IGNORE NULLS) FROM UNNEST(performance_insights.stage_performance_change_insights) perf_insight ) AS records_read_diff_percentages FROM optimization_workshop.query_performance_insights ORDER BY ( num_stages_with_slot_contention + num_stages_with_insufficient_shuffle_quota + ARRAY_LENGTH(records_read_diff_percentages) ) DESC LIMIT 100
🔍 Hourly slot consumption by query hash
The hourly_slot_consumption_by_query_hash script
creates a table named, hourly_slot_consumption_by_query_hash
. This table
groups queries by their query hash and then shows for every hour timeslice how
much of that hour's slots each query hash consumed.
Top 10 hours which had the highest slot consumption along with the top 10 query hashes/patterns that consumed the most slots during those hours.
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.hourly_slot_consumption_by_query_hash ORDER BY period_total_slot_hours DESC LIMIT 10
🔍 Hourly slot consumption by labels
The hourly_slot_consumption_by_labels
script creates a table named, hourly_slot_consumption_by_labels
. This table
groups queries by their labels and then shows for every hour timeslice how much
of that hour's slots each grouping of labels consumed.
Top 10 hours which had the highest slot consumption and the top 10 query labels that consumed the most slots during those hours.
SELECT * FROM optimization_workshop.hourly_slot_consumption_by_labels ORDER BY period_total_slot_hours DESC LIMIT 10