Start Date: 2024-03-18
Authors: *Laura Cornejo Paulino * and Shreyas Chitransh
In this project we explore historical housing data and construct predictive modeling to predict housing prices with the hopes of capturing the decline in the current (2024) housing market.
The data can be found in the following location.
------------------------------------------------------------------------TECHNICAL README-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to the technicals folks! Here is the folder structure for running the project.
├── .gitignore
├── Functions
│ └── stand_in.txt
├── Notebooks
│ ├── EDA_Yash.ipynb
│ └── property_data.ipynb
└── stand_in.yml
You can create the environment for the project on gitbash (Windows) or Terminal (Mac) by downloading the project_name.yml from each project directory and running:
Using pip
pip install -r project_name.yml
Using Conda
conda create --name <env_name> --file project_name.yml