Everything looks good
Found 7 changes
Breaking: 0
Dangerous: 0
Safe: 7
Safe changes
- Type CreateContainerRegistryQuota was added
- Type UpdateContainerRegistryQuota was added
- Type DeleteContainerRegistryQuota was added
- Field registry_quota was added to object type GroupNode
- Field create_container_registry_quota was added to object type Mutations
- Field update_container_registry_quota was added to object type Mutations
- Field delete_container_registry_quota was added to object type Mutations
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Check notice on line 2586 in src/ai/backend/manager/api/schema.graphql
github-actions / GraphQL Inspector
Type 'CreateContainerRegistryQuota' was added
Type 'CreateContainerRegistryQuota' was added
Check notice on line 2592 in src/ai/backend/manager/api/schema.graphql
github-actions / GraphQL Inspector
Type 'UpdateContainerRegistryQuota' was added
Type 'UpdateContainerRegistryQuota' was added
Check notice on line 2598 in src/ai/backend/manager/api/schema.graphql
github-actions / GraphQL Inspector
Type 'DeleteContainerRegistryQuota' was added
Type 'DeleteContainerRegistryQuota' was added
Check notice on line 703 in src/ai/backend/manager/api/schema.graphql
github-actions / GraphQL Inspector
Field 'registry_quota' was added to object type 'GroupNode'
Field 'registry_quota' was added to object type 'GroupNode'
Check notice on line 1852 in src/ai/backend/manager/api/schema.graphql
github-actions / GraphQL Inspector
Field 'create_container_registry_quota' was added to object type 'Mutations'
Field 'create_container_registry_quota' was added to object type 'Mutations'
Check notice on line 1855 in src/ai/backend/manager/api/schema.graphql
github-actions / GraphQL Inspector
Field 'update_container_registry_quota' was added to object type 'Mutations'
Field 'update_container_registry_quota' was added to object type 'Mutations'
Check notice on line 1858 in src/ai/backend/manager/api/schema.graphql
github-actions / GraphQL Inspector
Field 'delete_container_registry_quota' was added to object type 'Mutations'
Field 'delete_container_registry_quota' was added to object type 'Mutations'