You'll need a working installation of Veins [1] in order to run these simulations. This in turn relies on having the traffic simulator SUMO [2] as well as the network simulator OMNeT++ [3] installed (including the INET Framework). I found the following versions to be compatible with each other: OMNeT++ 5.0, Veins 4.5, SUMO 0.29.0, and INET 3.4.
To set up this OMNeT++ project:
- Open the OMNeT++ main directory and start the mingwenv.cmd terminal window.
- In mingwenv, CD into the OMNeT++ main directory and launch the OMNeT++ IDE with the command 'omnetpp'.
- Create a OMNeT++ project using File->Import...->General->Existing Projects into Workspace->Next->Select root directory->'Name of directory'->Finish.
- Right-click on the newly created project in the Project Explorer, click Properties->Project References, and check veins before clicking OK.
- Right-click on the project and click Build Project to generate executables.
- In mingwenv, CD into the Veins main directory and enter the command ' -vv'. This establishes a TCP connection between Sumo and OMNeT++.
- Update the file path in the Sumo launchd files appropriately.
- In the OMNeT++ IDE, launch the simulation by right-clicking on the .ini file and clicking Run As->OMNeT++ Simulation.