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screen shot 2017-06-08 at 9 25 50 am

Resource Watch πŸŒπŸ‘“

Test Coverage

Resource Watch features hundreds of data sets all in one place on the state of the planet’s resources and citizens. Users can visualize challenges facing people and the planet, from climate change to poverty, water risk to state instability, air pollution to human migration, and more.


Native execution requires the following:

There are included Dockerfile and docker compose configuration files that may make it easier to run the application locally.


Be sure you are using the correct Nodejs version. We recommend using NVM to handle different Node versions.

Begin by installing the necessary nodejs packages, using yarn:


You also need to specify the necessary environment variables - check the corresponding section for more details.

To start the application in development mode, use the built-in development web server:

yarn dev # runs the development server

The application will be served in http://localhost:3000/.

Production build

Running the application in a production environment is a two-step process:

  • Preprocessing the existing code and generating pre-renders of each page
  • Launch a web server to serve said pages

This can be achieved using the following commands:

yarn build
yarn start

Environment variables

Before running the project for first time, be it for development, testing or production, you need to specify the correct values for key environment variables (env vars) used by the project.

Before deep-diving into the env var list, here are a few key concepts that you should keep in mind at all times when manipulating env vars:

  • Most of the env var logic is based on Next.js env var logic which we strongly recommend you read.
  • Most of these values aim at configuring the behavior of the application itself, but they may also be used during testing to cross-check the logic (for example, NEXT_PUBLIC_WRI_API_URL is used in the tests to validate that the application makes the requests to the correct address).
Variable name Description Default value Caveats
NODE_ENV Describes the low level environment type in which the application is executing. Must be development, test or production Using development will start the application in a mode that always builds pages on-the-fly, skipping any pre-compiled resources. These pages will always reflect your latest code changes, but may take more time to render.
TEST_ENV Used when running the application for testing purposes. Must be FRONTEND when doing frontend testing (with Cypress) or BACKEND (when testing the built-in API)
PORT HTTP port used when starting the built-in web server. 3000 In some parts of the application's CI/CD pipeline this value is expected to be 3000.
REDIS_URL URL of the Redis server used to store user sessions This variable is optional, and if omitted, user sessions will be stored in memory instead. It's highly recommended that you use a Redis server for session storage in production environments.
SECRET Secret key used for signing and verifying the integrity of cookies. If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid! Make sure the secrets in this file are kept private
RW_USERNAME + RW_PASSWORD Username and password values for a basic auth access wall to the whole site. If missing, the auth wall is disabled This auth mechanism is meant for scenarios where you want to have the whole site available only to users with a shared username and password - a staging/demo environment, for example. It is NOT related to used-based functionality of the site (MyRW, for example).
LOGGER_LEVEL Logging level used with the Pino logging library. info
NEXT_PUBLIC_RW_ENV Used to set some scripts/functionalities in the app (like Google Analytics, CrazyEgg, Hotjar, ...). Must be development or production
NEXT_PUBLIC_CALLBACK_URL Sets the callback URL triggered when a user attempts to log in. Also handles the cookies registration.
NEXT_PUBLIC_APPLICATIONS Sets the context of the data. You can find more info about it in the WRI API documentation.
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_ENV Environment the resource belongs to in the WRI API.You can find more info about it in the WRI API documentation.
NEXT_PUBLIC_WRI_API_URL URL of the WRI API In most cases you'll want to use for this value. When testing, be sure to mock all your HTTP requests, and avoid relying on actual calls to external services (like this one).
NEXT_PUBLIC_RW_GOGGLE_API_TOKEN_SHORTENER API Key used for google maps library
NEXT_PUBLIC_ADD_SEARCH_KEY Used to allow global search function in the site with AddSearch
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOG_API_URL Used to fetch posts coming from the Resource Watch blog (Wordpress) In most cases you'll want to use for this value. When testing, be sure to mock all your HTTP requests, and avoid relying on actual calls to external services (like this one).
NEXT_PUBLIC_BING_MAPS_API_KEY API KEY used by Cesium. You can find more info in its documentation.
NEXT_PUBLIC_RW_MAPBOX_API_TOKEN Mapbox token used to render and handle Mapbox instances. You can find more info in the Mapbox documentation.
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_V4_ID Measurement ID used by Google Analytics v4. You can find more info in Google Analytics v4 documentation. This variable doesn't replace NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS environmental variable.
NEXT_PUBLIC_FEATURE_FLAG_OCEAN_WATCH Feature flag to enable Ocean Watch pages

If you want to customize these variables for your local environment, the recommended way is creating a .env.local file.

Troubleshooting πŸ€”

You might run into some problems installing dependencies:

Cairo / Canvas

If the installation fails at the point where it installs canvas, you may want to take a look at this.

Installation (Docker) 🐳


Architecture πŸ“‚

The application is built on top of Next.js - a framework for server-rendered React apps. Next provides a zero-setup webpack build ready to develop along a express server to run the application and SASS styles compilation.

Folder structure

Resource Watch application is split into the next main folders:

  • pages
  • layout
  • components
  • modules
  • redactions (legacy)
  • selectors (legacy)
  • css
  • hooks
  • constants
  • services
  • utils
  • public


Apart from the custom pages, there are several pages defined by Next will see below:


The page of pages. All ready will inherit from this one, so keep in mind this. Resource Watch's pages are connect to redux thanks to this file. It also sets some states and fetches used in the whole app. You can find more info here.


Contains the definition of how the app will be rendered. You can find more info here.


Fallback page where the app leads if there has been an error, or the route doesn't exit. It can be customized. You can find more info here.


Layouts are the second component to be loaded through the page. They contain all components that will be displayed in the page. Layouts do not fetch data, they wait for it. Inner components could ask for data though.

Layouts should follow the same folder structure as pages. For example: if you need created your myawesome page in pages/app/myawesome, the layout for this page should be placed in layouts/app/myawesome and so on.


Every component will be contained in its own folder with its name. A basic component will contain the component itself (component.js) and an entrypoint to it (index.js). If the component needs access to the store, we will provide it here, otherwise we will just import the component. Additional files could be styles.scss (containing component-scoped styles) and constants.js (component-scoped constants).

   ./constants.js (not mandatory)
   ./component.js (mandatory)
   ./index.js (mandatory)
   ./styles.scss (not mandatory)

Try to make stateless component (unless it really needs it). This will make components easier to track and reuse.


Contains all redux modules used in the application. Right now, there are components with its own module inside the component folder: try to avoid this behaviour. Keeping modules per component will increase the size of the store and make it harder to handle in the long term.

Usually modules are composed by, at least, three files: actions, reducers, initial-state and its corresponding index entrypoint file. To export it, just add it in modules/index, you will notice we use redux-tools to handle the modules.

Legacy note: there is a folder named ./redactions that also contains redux modules not handled with redux-tools. This folder is still in use, but the intention is to move everything and organise it according redux-tools specs.


Legacy folder containing redux modules written in a way not supported by redux-tools. Any new module should be placed in ./modules.


This is a legacy folder. Still in use. Selectors must be used in component's scope. Using them globally will produce the loose of ability of caching. You can have more info here.


Contains generic application styles, grid, settings, mixins and anything style-related in a global scope. It also contains third-app components styles if needed.

Legacy note: in the ./css/components folder you will notice a lot of styles whose scope is the component itself. From now on, components must have its own styles inside the component folder. Check components section to learn more about how to include component-scoped styles.


Constants are variables available across the application. They can be used anywhere without exception. When you are about to add a new one here, please keep in mind the scope of this/these constants and if they are worth it to place here or inside the component is going to use them.

As constants, they must be written in uppercase and using Snake Case notation. Example: MY_AWESOME_CONSTANT


Contains hooks used along the application. These hooks must be agnostic.


Services are in charge of connecting the application with external APIs/other services. Every service contains a set of fetches (usually based on CRUD), it's possible to extend them if needed, but take into account there can't be any app-related logic here. Every fetch should be able to be used in any context. TLDR: make services agnostic.

Services are based on Axios to manage XMLHttpRequests/HTTP requests.

Services are split into entities (most of them coming from WRI API, feel free to create a new one if needed. Every fetch must be documented. You can found more info about it in the documentation section.

Legacy note: you will find services as classes with custom options. The intention is to get rid of these classes and use standalone functions able to perform the desired fetch. Also, you will find fetches performed with isomorphic-fetch, replace it with axios whenever you can.


Contains functions that make thing easier and are used across the app. Like constants, think about the scope of your util before implementing it here, perhaps just adding it at component's level is enough.


Folder to serve static files. It's accessible everywhere.


Resource Watch uses NextJS Dynamic Routes.

App State Management πŸŒ…

Resource Watch uses Redux along to next-redux-wrapper to manage the app state. With next 7.0 is not necessary anymore to wrap every page to access to the store. Wrapping _app is enough, rest of pages will access to the store like the rest of your components.

Connection to the store must be isolated from the component itself (separating presentation from logic).

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

// component
import PagesShow from './component';

export default connect(
  state => ({
    user: state.user,

The example above shows an index.js separating the logic from the component layout.

Authentication 🚫

Authentication is based on the RW API user management API.

Optimization πŸ”Ž

Bundle Analyzer

@next/bundle-analyzer is a tool that creates an interactive treemap visualization of the contents of all your bundles.

To run it: yarn analyze.

It will run the application in production build (makes a yarn build internally) and open a tab in your browser displaying the bundles treemap.

Deploy πŸ›«

You will need access to Resource Watch Jenkins.

Merging to develop branch will deploy RW Staging automatically.

To deploy Resource Watch (production) you will need to access to Jenkins and deploy manually the master branch.


This repository contains both the frontend application for the Resource Watch website, as well as a small API to handle specific actions needed by the frontend application (authentication, server side validation, etc).

As such, testing is architectured in two parts (although some convenience commands exist to run both test suits simultaneously)

Frontend testing

Resource Watch uses Cypress to handle e2e tests. Tests are available in cypress/integrations folder.

There are two ways to run tests locally:

  • yarn test will run Cypress in the command line. All the tests will run.
  • yarn cy:open will open the Cypress GUI. This interface will show all tests available in the application and let you know any or all of them.

In both cases, do not forget to run your server locally before and be sure the baseUrl field in the cypress.json file matches with your server.

You can find more info about Cypress and its API in their docs.

Part of the frontend application relies on data provided by the backend API, which is only served if the user is authenticated. To support mocking user authentication across both applications, the frontend test suite relies on authentication mocking which is only enabled if the NODE_ENV environment variable has the test value, and TEST_ENV has the FRONTEND value. As such, be sure to use this value when starting the test server that will be used for the frontend testing.

Backend testing

The backend API is tested using Mocha.

Unlike frontend tests, backend tests do not depend on the application being available as a separate process - the test suite will programmatically start the application server. However, as the application server handles both the backend API and the frontend asset serving (and its preprocessing), it can take some time for it to finish its startup process. As such, it's convenient (but not required) that you set SERVER_ONLY=true when running backend tests, so that the underlying application server skips the lengthy frontend asset preprocessing process.

As mentioned in the Frontend testing section, some frontend tests rely on a special mocked authentication mechanism, instead of the "real" one. While not exhaustively, the API tests do cover the mocked authentication mechanism. You can run these tests by running the backend test suite with TEST_ENV=FRONTEND

Documentation πŸ“

Every change in the app must be documented in the ./ file according to keep a changelog specs.

At code level, comments must follow JSDocs specs.

Contributing 🎁

If you have any amazing idea for the project, please tell us before develop it.

Reporting an issue

Issues can be reported here.

Useful links

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