By the end of this section, you should:
- Have an understanding of how Galaxy's Ansible roles are structured and interact with one another;
- Be able to use an Ansible playbook to install different flavors of Galaxy for different purposes;
- Be able to write a playbook to suit your own purposes.
We will be making use a number of pre-written Ansible roles and will look at how they are combined in a project, in the form of an Ansible playbook.
In this exercise we will:
- Download an Ansible playbook and associated roles;
- Walk through the various parts of the playbook;
- Discuss the group vars file;
- Go through the Ansible "Galaxy" - an unfortunate name... (It's Ansible's ToolShed.)
Over the years, the Galaxy project and the broader community have developed a number of (reusable) Ansible roles for managing various aspects of the Galaxy runtime environment. These roles can be mixed and matched to obtain the desired result and one example of such role composition is the GalaxyKickStart playbook. GalaxyKickStart (GKS) is a community-led project that automates the setup of a typical, production Galaxy server. Much of the documentation about the project is available at
One thing to keep in mind here is the a pre-built playbook such as the GKS is very opinionated - meaning that much of the layout of the system is determined by the playbook itself, hence imposing that structure automatically onto the user. For the purposes of this training, and often the real world, this is desirable because it captures and builds on the knowledge and experience of the people that built the playbook.
On the other hand, individual roles frequently have quite the opposite goal - making smaller and highly configurable tasks reusable. Roles are often written to accommodate multiple target operating systems and can be controlled via numerous variables. When maximum flexibility is desired, feel free to use existing playbooks, such as the GKS, as examples but it is likely you will want to write your own by composing and parameterizing available roles.
To use the GKS playbook, we need to get a local copy by cloning the repository.
Go to somewhere sensible on either your local machine or on your Galaxy server
would be sensible), clone the Github repository, and
use ansible-galaxy
command to install all the dependent roles:
git clone
cd GalaxyKickStart
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements_roles.yml -p roles --force
The last command will install all the dependent roles the playbook uses into the
subdirectory by downloading them from their respective repositories.
When you want to update your local copy of the roles, just rerun that command
(note that the --force
flag that will cause local copy of the roles to be
Part 1 - Examine the playbook
Have a look at the galaxy.yml file. You'll notice that it contains quite a number role. The order in which the roles are referenced is important. This playbook does the following:
- Performs some system tasks (installs Python if missing, checks Ansible version, etc.)
- Installs base operating system requirements for running Galaxy
- Configures PostgreSQL
- Installs and configures Galaxy
- Installs and configures Supervisor
- Sets up Galaxy for production use
- Sets up Trackster and installs tools
Take note of the fact that the playbook combines the individual roles to give us the desired outcome.
Part 2 - Ansible galaxy
Where do the roles come from? Ansible has a "ToolShed"-like system called Ansible Galaxy - d'oh.
Open the requirements_roles.yml file. You'll see a series of repositories that
point to the various roles from their respective Github.
The ansible-galaxy install
fetches those repositories and puts them in an
appropriate place in our scripts file tree.
An alternative to obtaining roles from Github is to download them directly from
the Ansible Galaxy hub: Instead of using roles
directly from Github, roles can be deposited here and then downloaded using the
same ansible-galaxy install
command. In order to deposit a role there, you'll
have to import it there first from your Github account.
There are many roles already available for download for various aspects of system administration or application setup. They all have some meta data associated with them which has information on the role's author, keywords, dependencies, licenses, available platforms etc. For example, take a look at some of the roles published by theGalaxy project.
Note that in addition to the roles obtained from Ansible Galaxy, there are a number of them already included in the source of the GKS playbook.
Part 3 - Browse the roles
Let's take a look through a couple of the roles and then run the playbook.
The roles used by this playbook use are:
Order run | Role name | Purpose |
1 | galaxy-os | Set up the operating system basics |
2 | galaxyproject.postgresql | Installs PostgreSQL database server |
3 | natefoo.postgresql_objects | Installs PostgreSQL scripts to work with privileges etc. |
4 | galaxyproject.galaxy | Installs and configures Galaxy |
5 | galaxyproject.galaxy-etras | Installs and configures Galaxy for production use |
6 | galaxyproject.trackster | Configures Trackster |
7 | galaxyproject.galaxy-tools | Installs tools into Galaxy from the ToolShed |
You'll note that these roles all have pretty good documentation on how to use them, which variables to set and how, and when they should be used. This makes it all much easier to understand.
Have a look at any one role, concentrating mainly on the variables (in the defaults/main.yml
files and the vars
directory if present.) By modifying these variables, you can customize things like, where PostgreSQL keeps it's backups, where Galaxy is installed, and many others.
Part 4 - Run the playbook
To run the role we will need a Linux instance (we will use Ubuntu 16.04) with a set public/private keypair, or we need to run the playbook "locally" (i.e. on the managed host itself). We will also need to know it's IP address.
- Let's create our own set of variables to match the system we've been working
with. Keep in mind that we're adding and/or overriding variables defined in
so only the variables we want to change need to be set here. Create a file group_vars/oslo18.yml and set the following variables:
galaxy_admin: [email protected] # <- change this
galaxy_admin_pw: admin18
galaxy_root_dir: /srv/galaxy
galaxy_server_dir: "{{ galaxy_root_dir }}/server"
galaxy_venv_dir: "{{ galaxy_root_dir }}/venv"
galaxy_mutable_data_dir: "{{ galaxy_data }}"
proftpd_files_dir: "{{ galaxy_data }}/ftp"
galaxy_config_dir: "{{ galaxy_root_dir }}/config"
galaxy_mutable_config_dir: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}"
galaxy_shed_tools_dir: "{{ galaxy_root_dir }}/shed_tools"
galaxy_tool_dependency_dir: "{{ galaxy_root_dir }}/dependencies"
tool_dependency_dir: "{{ galaxy_tool_dependency_dir }}"
galaxy_job_conf_path: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/job_conf.xml"
galaxy_job_metrics_conf_path: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/job_metrics_conf.xml"
nginx_upload_store_path: "{{ galaxy_data }}/upload_store"
tool_data_table_config_path: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/tool_data_table_conf.xml,/cvmfs/"
len_file_path: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/len"
galaxy_log_dir: "{{ galaxy_root_dir }}/log"
supervisor_slurm_config_dir: "{{ galaxy_log_dir }}"
galaxy_manage_trackster: False
galaxy_extras_config_cvmfs: True
galaxy_restart_handler_enabled: True
database_connection: "{{ galaxy_db }}"
file_path: "{{ galaxy_data }}/datasets"
new_file_path: "{{ galaxy_data }}/tmp"
galaxy_data_manager_data_path: "{{ galaxy_data }}/tool-data"
job_config_file: "{{ galaxy_job_conf_path }}"
ftp_upload_dir: "{{ proftpd_files_dir }}"
ftp_upload_site: ftp://[server IP address]
tool_data_table_config_path: "{{ tool_data_table_config_path }}"
len_file_path: "{{ len_file_path }}"
master: True
- "extra-files/galaxy-kickstart/galaxy-kickstart_tool_list.yml"
- { src: "extra-files/galaxy-kickstart/logo.png", dest: "{{ galaxy_server_dir }}/static/images/" }
- { src: "extra-files/tool_sheds_conf.xml", dest: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}" }
- { src: "extra-files/cloud_setup/vimrc", dest: "/etc/vim/" }
Let's also add a
to create thegalaxy
system user to match the environment we have been using thus far in the workshop. Just add the following task underpre_tasks
:- name: Create Galaxy user user: name: "galaxy" home: "/srv/galaxy" skeleton: "/etc/skel" shell: "/bin/bash" system: yes
We also need to make one more adjustment to these VMs. Namely, the hostname does not resolve by default so let's add another
to make that happen
- name: Update /etc/hosts
dest: /etc/hosts
regexp: '^ localhost'
replace: ' localhost {{ ansible_hostname }}'
backup: yes
- Set the contents of the inventory file appropriately, depending if you are targeting the local host or a remote one:
localhost ansible_connection=local
[oslo18] ansible_user="ubuntu" ansible_ssh_private_key_file=pk.pem
Now it's just a matter of running:
ansible-playbook -i inventory galaxy.yml
The Ansible script will run and display what it's doing as it does (it's a good idea to run it in a screen since networks are sometimes flaky). It should take about 15 minutes for the playbook to run to completion.
Once the playbook has completed its run, we can then access Galaxy on the machine we installed it on. The playbook has setup the PostgreSQL database, Nginx proxy server, ProFTPD ftp server, Galaxy, CVMFS for reference data, and the necessary configurations.
In regard to the opinionated model of reusing existing playbooks, note that
this playbook configured Supervisor programs for Galaxy to be prefixed with
instead of gx
as we have been using thus far. So going forward,
replace any stale references to supervisorctl restart gx:
supervisorctl restart galaxy:
One particularly nice aspect of the the system that we built is that is comes configured with a Cern Virtual Macine File System (CVMFS) for Galaxy's reference data. This file system represents an additional method for obtaining reference data for a Galaxy installation and tends to be the simplest for getting a large amount of data readily available.
So how does it work? The Galaxy community hosts a number of geographically distributed replicas of the read-only file system that clients can simply mount locally. CVMFS software then streams and caches the requested data locally for the tools to use.
Give it a try by navigating to /cvmfs/
and exploring
the contents of those folders. You can also install bwa
tool for example in
Galaxy, upload a fastqsanger file, and observe the list of available built-in
genomes. Pretty cool given we didn't have to set any of it up by hand!
How is it configured though? It's pretty easy to check and get all the details for the setup by inspecting the set of Ansible tasks used to configure it - an immediate example of the benefits of using code to manage infrastructure:
Hopefully, you now understand:
- How Ansible combines roles with a playbook;
- Where to go to get more roles to add to a playbook;
- How to install Galaxy on a machine using Ansible.
If you want to know more about Ansible and Galaxy, see the Galaxy Project Github page: and search for "ansible".
If you want to know more about Ansible, details can be found at