A library for adding events to popular calendar apps.
It provides full support for rendering .ics file content for iCalendar and Office Outlook, and also supports URL generation for Google Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar, and Outlook Web.
Try the online calendar generator β
yarn add datebook
import { ICalendar } from 'datebook'
const config: CalendarOptions = {
title: 'Happy Hour',
location: 'The Bar, New York, NY',
description: 'Let\'s blow off some steam with a tall cold one!',
start: new Date('2022-07-08T19:00:00'),
end: new Date('2022-07-08T23:30:00'),
attendees: [
name: 'John Doe',
email: '[email protected]',
icsOptions: {
rsvp: true
name: 'Jane Doe',
email: '[email protected]'
// an event that recurs every two weeks:
recurrence: {
frequency: 'WEEKLY',
interval: 2
const icalendar = new ICalendar(config)
action: 'DISPLAY',
description: 'Remember this event'
trigger: {
minutes: 10
This will add a reminder alarm that shows 10 minutes before the event.
const secondEvent = new ICalendar({
title: 'Monthly Meeting with Boss Man',
location: 'Conference Room 2A, Big Company, Brooklyn, NY',
description: 'Meeting to discuss weekly things',
start: new Date('2022-07-08T19:00:00'),
recurrence: {
frequency: 'MONTHLY'
This will add a second event to the same .ics
icalendar.addProperty('CATEGORIES', 'MEETINGS,MANAGEMENT')
This will add the CATEGORIES
ICS property to the iCalendar instance.
const content = icalendar.render()
This will render ICS file content which can be downloaded onto the user's device for use in local calendar apps.
const googleCalendar = new GoogleCalendar(config)
will return a URL that the user can navigate to and pre-fill event details: