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421 lines (360 loc) · 21.4 KB

File metadata and controls

421 lines (360 loc) · 21.4 KB



  • Fix: Regression in FileUploadWidget, drag and drop of file into drag area does not work.


  • yanked


  • Fix: Regression in RichtextArea, heading with a single level does not work.


  • Fix naming issue in interactive docs, preventing the dialog not to close.
  • Fix in RichtextArea: Dropdown menu did not show up at the right position.
  • 1.5.1

    • The published version of django-formset now also includes the monolithic build of all JavaScript files.
    • In RichtextArea: Add control element to select font family.
    • Date- and DateTime-widgets as Calendar representation now always apply 6 rows to prevent widget resizing when paginating.
    • Fixing RichtextArea: Only find direct dialog element for a menu button.
    • Fixing Selectize widget: Apply proper styles if group elements are nested. Happened when using the widget in a RichtextArea's dialog.
    • Fixed: Main stylesheet sometimes was loaded more than once.
  • 1.5

    • Breaking Change: Always include <script src="{% url 'javascript-catalog' %}"></script> to the <head>-section of an HTML template. This is because gettext is used inside many JavaScript files.
    • Drop support for Django-4.1 and Python-3.9.
    • Add support for Python-3.12.
    • Fix #142: A FormCollection with siblings and multiple RichtextArea widgets did not work.
    • Fix #140: Adding default_renderer to FormCollection did not always have the intended effect.
    • Fix #138: Selectize widget in sortable collection raises JavaScript error.
    • Fix monolithic build.
    • Attribute <button df-click="…"> now accepts function setFieldValue(). This can be used to transfer values from one field to another one.
    • Introduce partial submits and prefilling of dialog forms in collections.
    • The parser generator allows whitespace inside parentheses.
    • Perform all E2E tests by also using the monolithic build.
    • Add jest to explicitly test the parser generator.
  • 1.4.5

    • Fix: When submitting a form with a FileField, the UploadedFileInput widget returns None to signalize that nothing changed. Then however, the clean()-method did not access the initial value of the field. This is fixed now.
    • Fix: Using the value cleaned_data from a FormCollection, always started to validate and then returned values. Now, one must explicitly call is_valid(), otherwise an AttributeError is raised.
  • 1.4.4

    • Fix: In widget PhoneNumberInput, the country lookup field did not behave es expected when using the up- or down-arrow keys to navigate through the list of countries.
    • In widget PhoneNumberInput, entering "0" into the search field now does not filter the list of countries anymore. This is because country codes starting with "00" is not a valid E.164 format.
  • 1.4.3

    • Fix regression in widget UploadedFileInput introduced in 1.4: The Delete button did not work for files added through the initial parameter.
    • Prevent uploading files with an unmatching accept attribute.
    • In widget PhoneNumberInput, set focus on country lookup field after opening dropdown box with international prefixes.
  • 1.4.2

    • Fix: SlugInput widget used an invalid pattern attribute in its input field.
    • Removed ^… and …$ from all pattern attributes in all fields using regular expressions.
    • Add delay on reload() handler to prevent early firing of restore.
  • 1.4.1

    • Fix #136: Submit button shows bummer symbol after okay symbol.
    • Fix #132: The size of the input window does not change as the window size changes.
  • 1.4

    • Add support for form dialogs. They can be used standalone or to add complex extensions to the Richtext editor.
    • Breaking change: controls.Link() must be replaced by controls.DialogControl(SimpleLinkDialogForm()). Check documentation for details.
    • Add control element for footnotes to the Richtext editor.
    • The ternary operator can be used in button actions to distinguish between two possible queues.
    • The require attribute of input fields can be made conditional.
    • The Selectize widget now passes the value to and from the underlying implementation.
    • Activators can be added to Form and FormCollection classes. They allow the usage of buttons as first class input fields.
    • Add support for Django-5.0.
  • 1.3.10

    • Fix #125: IncompleteSelect can't handle collections with siblings.
    • Fix #128: Boolean field shows label twice.
    • In webcomponents, separate constructor from connectedCallback.
    • Fix problem in Selectize widget when using filter_by with lazy loading.
    • [email protected] requires relative paths.
    • Upgrade to flyctl version 0.2.28.
  • 1.3.9

    • Fix widget Selectize losing borders when used in a collection with siblings after a form reset.
    • Add support for UTF-8 characters when using the Selectize widget with lazy loading.
    • On reset, the number of siblings is set to the initial value.
  • 1.3.8

    • Fail silently if package 'phonenumbers' is not installed.
    • Adopt to Django-5.0
    • In RichtextArea, add padding to placeholder field.
    • In DjangoSelectize make background color almost white.
  • 1.3.7

    • Disable unique checks for Django<4.0, because they are not compatible.
  • 1.3.6

    • Backport to Django-4.0.
  • 1.3.5

    • Fix #99: File upload is not compatible with generic Django storage class.
  • 1.3.4

    • Fix #97: Forms and FormCollections with disabled fields and initial data, now are validated using that initial data.
    • The filter in the widget for the PhoneNumberField now is cleared after reopening the selector.
  • 1.3.3

    • Fix #96: In FormCollection with siblings, the <form>'s ID sometimes was not unique.
    • The selector for international prefixes of the PhoneNumberField, now offers a search box.
    • Prevent loading styles for PhoneNumberField more than once.
  • 1.3.2

    • Handle form reset for PhoneNumberField properly.
    • Fix: Monolithic build did not include PhoneNumberField.
    • Use cached translation in demo project.
  • 1.3.1

    • Improved the usability of the PhoneNumberField. The user is now forced to select the country code from a dropdown list, whenever the phone number does not start with +.
    • The dropdown list of the PhoneNumberField now shows the countries name in the current language.
  • 1.3

    • New widget: PhoneNumberField which can be used to improve the user experience when entering phone numbers.
  • 1.2.2

    • Nicer outline and box-shadow, whenever a DualSelector element receives input focus. It now surrounds the complete field.
    • In the Calendar and DateRange pickers, the cursor changes to a symbol signalizing into which direction the second date choice is going to be made.
    • New widgets: CountrySelectize and CountrySelectizeMultiple which prefix the country name with the corresponding flag.
  • 1.2.1

    • Fix: Ignore key press events for pure calendar widgets. Since a pure calendar widget can not be focused, handling key press events does not make sense.
    • Fix: Calendar cells with attribute disabled are not selectable anymore.
  • 1.2

    • Add widgets DatePicker, DateTextbox, DateCalendar, DateTimePicker, DateTimeTextbox and DateTimeCalendar. They can be used as alternative widgets to Django's DateInput and DateTimeInput widgets.
    • Add range fields DateRangeField and DateTimeRangeField which can be used in forms to query for a date- or datetime range. With these two fields six more widgets are added to the library: DateRangeCalendar, DateRangeTextbox, DateRangePicker, DateTimeRangeCalendar, DateTimeRangeTextbox and DateTimeRangePicker.
    • The calendar widget now supports 12 hours time format.
    • Fix: In rare occasions, the styling of widgets has been loaded twice.
    • Fix: Field choices declared as callables are now supported.
    • Prepared rendering for Django-5.0.
  • 1.1.2

    • Drop support for Django-4.0.
  • 1.1.1

    • Fix problems in widgets Selectize and DualSelector when used with filter_by. Selectable choices now are always updated using the proper filter values.
  • 1.1

    • Form collections containing only empty fields won't be submitted. This applies to collections added using extra_siblings as to collections added using the appropriate "Add " button.
    • Fix problem when using MultiWidget widgets. Under some configurations an error was raised stating “Duplicate name 'xxx' on multiple input fields”.
  • 1.0.1

    • Fix: When using the Selectize widgets, using the arrow-up/down buttons did not highlight the selected option.
    • Officially support for Django-4.2.
  • 1.0

    • Breaking change: Class FormCollection is validated entirely and only after all checks passed, models are created out of the cleaned data. This means that the method construct_instance and model_to_dict changed their signature. Please read the docs on how to use them now.
    • Breaking change: In all rendered forms, <django-field-group> is replaced against <div role="group"> because self-declared elements shall only be used as web components.
    • Breaking change: In all rendered forms groups, <django-error-messages> is replaced against <meta name="error-messages"> because self-declared elements shall only be used as web components.
    • Breaking change: Attribute click, which is used to specify action queues in submit buttons, has been renamed to df-click in order to prevent naming collisions.
    • Breaking change: Attributes show-if, hide-if and disable-if which are used to hide or disable fields, fieldsets and buttons, have been renamed to df-show, df-hide and df-disable in order to prevent naming collisions.
    • The documentation now is interactive integrating the many working examples.
    • Fix: In DualSortableSelector the initial ordering of options, sometimes did not correspond to the intermediate's model entries.
    • Add view class BulkEditCollectionView to edit a collection with siblings without any main object. Also add method models_to_list as a counterpart to model_to_dict for list views.
    • Constructor of FormCollection additionally accepts auto_id. This can be used to set the format of the id field in form fields.
    • Constructor of FormCollection additionally accepts instance. This helps to build the models out of a collection.
    • Class FormCollection performs a unique validating check while performing a full_clean.
    • Add a date- and datetime picker rendered by the server using the Python Calendar class.
    • Widget UploadedFileInput accepts {…, max-size: <bytes>, …} in its attrs to limit the uploadable file size.
    • Add control elements for to RichTextarea: TextAlign, TextColor, TextIndent, TextMargin, Blockquote, Codeblock, HardBreak, Subscript, Superscript, Placeholder.
    • Add check to determine if the same id is used by more than one field inside <django-formset…> elements on a single page.
    • In RichtextArea replace popper.js against floating-ui.
  • 0.13.4

    • Fix: On the Javascript console, library TonSelect complained to be initialized already, if more than one Selectize or SelectizeMultiple widget were used.
    • Some valid Python regular expressions were rejected by the Javascript implementation when used as pattern in a RegexField.
    • When building the project, now one can use the comman line options --debug and --monolith to control how the client code shall be generated.
  • 0.13.3

    • Fix initialization problem: Webcomponents loaded through templates in a FormCollection with multiple instances were not loaded.
    • Fix problem in client code: Collections with siblings did not aggregate data for submission correctly in all circumstances.
  • 0.13.2

    • Add polyfill @ungap/custom-elements to fix compatibility issues on Safari.
  • 0.13.1

    • Fix broken merge.
  • 0.13

    • Add feature to preselect choices in one select field using a value from another field.
    • Remove function getValue() from widgets RichtextArea and DjangoSelectize; use property value instead.
  • 0.12

    • Add feature to work with option groups when using the Selectize, SelectizeMultiple, DualSelector and DualSortableSelector widget.
    • Fix border shadow after submitting invalid form data.
  • 0.11.1

    • In DjangoButton's reload() action, add a Boolean argument to optionally ignore query strings.
    • In DjangoSelectize fix handling of line-height: normal by settings it to value 1.2.
    • In DjangoSelectize change background-color for mouse over on <option> elements.
  • 0.11

    • Add widget for Django's SlugField.
    • Add widget to handle rich text using the Tiptap editor framework.
    • Load submodules with 3rd party dependencies dynamically. This decreases the initial Javascript payload by ~90% compared to a monolithic build.
    • In addition to the esbuild compiler, add scripts to compile the TypeScript code using rollup + babel + terser.
    • Web components are initialized on the DOMContentLoaded (instead of load) Event.
    • Fix: The Selectize widget now uses the same border styles for feedback as other input/select fields.
    • Fix: Forms which do not provide data are not validated.
    • Add handler to listen for an external reset Event.
    • Fix: FileUpload widget now loses focus after file submission.
    • Handle input fields for URLs properly.
    • Fix missing feedback on datetime and password fields.
    • Fix: An initialized FormCollection with siblings but max_siblings=None, raised a TypeError.
    • Fix: Forms now pay attention to form attribute novalidate.
    • All <form> elements are empty and referred by form=… attribute from their input fields.
    • Add Python utility class ClassList which behaves similar to its Javascript counterpart HTMLElement.
    • Unify the styling of animated icons, such as "Okay", "Bummer" and "Spinner".
    • On HTML placeholders used to display feedback errors, add role="alert".
    • Fix: Uploading more than one file caused the UploadWidget to complain with "File upload still in progress."
    • Add button actions confirm() and alertOnError to the possible queue of actions.
  • 0.10.3

    • Fix: Widget DualSortableSelector now checks bounds for provided values. This in rare occasions raised an exception.
    • Both CSS files collections.css and bootstrap5-extra.css now are compiled from a SCSS source.
  • 0.10.2

    • In sortable form collections, add a CSS ghost class to make moved item more opaque. This is for a better usability experience.
    • In sortable form collections, change the form name after moving a collection. This fixes a problem with form validation.
    • Fix: On forms created from a model, method IncompleteSelectResponseMixin.fetch_options() raised an AttributeError.
    • Class FormCollection and class Fieldset accept an optional help text which is rendered at the bottom of a <django-form-collection> or <fieldset>.
    • Some rendering templates remove whitespace using templatetag {% spaceless %}.
    • Django-4.1 now is officially supported.
  • 0.10.1

    • The HTML tags for <select is="django-selectize"> and <select is="django-dual-selector"> declare their own webcomponents which now add their own HTML elements in front of themselves, before hiding. Instead of hiding via display: none; they now "conceal" so that the browser can set focus on input fields not validating.
    • Replace uglify against terser to minify JavaScript files.
    • In webcomponent <select is="django-dual-selector">, replace elem.getValue() against elem.value.
    • Simplify the way events handlers are called.
    • Remove the CSRF-Token from the request header of webcomponents <select is="django-selectize"> and <select is="django-dual-selector">, since they exclusively use GET requests.
    • The right selector box of the webcomponent <select is="django-dual-selector" required …> highlights as invalid (by rendering a red border), if input data is missing.
  • 0.10

    • The right part of the widget DualSelector optionally is sortable now. Views accepting forms with this widget can rely upon that sorting order and store it.
    • Form collections with siblings can optionally be declared as sortable. A drag handle is then rendered above the collection, which can be used for sorting.
    • Add Germans translations text readable by the end user.
  • 0.9.1

    • The optional URL parameter passed into button action proceed(...) now takes precedence over the success_url returned inside the response object.
    • Allow wrapping HTML elements between a <django-formset> and its immediate <django-form-collection>-elements.
    • Add German translations.
  • 0.9

    • Fixed problems when resetting a formset containing multiple collections with siblings: All just added collections are removed on reset.
    • Distinguish while removing a collection: A just added collection is removed, while existing collections are marked for removal.
    • On cleaning post data while processing collections, one can choose whether to keep existig but removed colections for further processing, or ignore them.
    • Allow extra label to be added inside the "Add collection" button.
    • Handle CSRF token via attribute to <django-formset csrf-token="…"> rather than using a cookie.
    • Fix typo: Rename IncompleSelectResponseMixin -> IncompleteSelectResponseMixin.
    • Fix some issues with FormCollection-s: Invoking replicate now creates a deep copy of all children.
    • Fix in widget FileInput: On reloading the form, the provided value is kept to its initial state.
  • 0.8.8

    • Use a simpler and semantically more correct HTML representation for the file uploader widget.
  • 0.8.7

    • Fix: If an uploaded image has an EXIF orientation tag, that image that is transposed accordingly.
    • On file upload, fill the progressbar to only 90%. The remaining 10% of the progressbar are filled after successful image transformation.
    • Rename Event "submit" to "submitted", because otherwise FireFox triggers a page reload.
  • 0.8.6

    • Fix: Files uploaded into collections with siblings, are not duplicated anymore.
    • Fix: Clear cleaned_data during form validation to prevent duplicate content.
    • Fix occasionally occuring MRO-TypeError when instantiating checkbox widget.
    • Remove tag "marked_for_removal" while submitting form. Use Array with holes instead.
    • In Collections with siblings, do not extend number of siblings, if maximum is reached.
  • 0.8.5

    • Fix: Form collections with empty siblings, on submission now create an empty array.
  • 0.8.4

    • Add optional argument for delay in milliseconds to button actions okay and bummer.
    • Resetting a django-formset removes all just added sibling collections and unmarks all collections for removal.
    • Fields beeing hidden on the client using show-if/hide-if also are disabled to prevent validation – which wouldn't make sense anyway.
    • Add parameter legend to Form Collection so that a collection can have an optional title.
  • 0.8.3

    • Fix: For field_css_classes, fall back to form name rather than its prefix.
  • 0.8.2

    • Fix: Set empty dropbox item on upload widget during form reset.
    • Fix: Collections with siblings on root level generated invalid form data.
    • Add special placeholder to render errors for collections with siblings.
    • Add additional actions to button: Spinner, Okay, Bummer and Reload.
    • In Button's proceed action, print a warning, if neither a success-, nor a fallback-URL is given to proceed.
    • In FormCollectionView handle response of posting formsets analogous to the way Django handles forms.
  • 0.8.1

    • Adopt DualSelector for Tailwind.css.
    • Hide calendar-picker-indicator in touched input date fields.
    • Fix: Expecting path for base location as Path object.
    • Fix: Updating of existing object failed.
    • Add method get_extra_data to class FormView.
    • Increase max filename length to 250 characters.
    • Fix: Abort silently if input field is missing.
    • Replace <div>-based progress bar against proper HTML element <progress>.
  • 0.8

    • Add widget DualSelector which accepts multiple values and is the form field counterpart to Django's ManyToManyField. This is an alternative widget to SelectizeMultiple.
  • 0.7

    • Add widget SelectizeMultiple which accepts multiple values and is the form field counterpart to Django's ManyToManyField.
    • Bugfix in UploadWidget: Do not delete existing file on form update.
  • 0.6

    • Content from FileUploadWidget can be transfered to a Django model and vice versa.
  • 0.4

    • It is possible to control every aspect of the feedback, given to the user while he fills the input fields.
    • Templatetag render_form and formsetify accepts parameters form_classes and collection_classes for finer styling control.
  • 0.3

    • Add show-if, hide-if and disable-if attribute parsing to fields and fieldsets.
    • Add class Fieldset to handle forms with legends and the possibility for hiding and disabling.
    • Form Collections may have siblings and can be extended.
  • 0.2

    • Refactored to work for Django>4 only.
    • Added Form Collections.
  • 0.1

    • Initial release.