iDAAS has several key components that provide many capabilities. iDAAS Connect is intended ONLY to enable iDAAS connectivity. iDAAS-Connect-FHIR specifically ONLY deals with enabling iDAAS to process the healthcare industry standard FHIR based resources ONLY. Here is the current FHIR Resource List It will process over 60+ of the currently available resources - around 40 clinical FHIR resources, all the financial public health and research/evidence based medicine/and quality reporting and testing resources. You can also find a list of the platforms supported transactions
This solution contains three supporting directories. The intent of these artifacts to enable
resources to work locally:
- platform-addons: needed software to run locally. This currently contains amq-streams-1.5 (which is the upstream of Kafka 2.5)
- platform-scripts: support running kafka, creating/listing and deleting topics needed for this solution
and also building and packaging the solution as well. All the scripts are named to describe their capabilities
- platform-testdata: sample transactions to leverage for using the platform.
For this particular repository it has been tested and works with multiple FHIR servers.
Microsoft Azure FHIR Server
Which ever FHIR server you implement you will need to follow the specific install instructions from each vendor. While we have tested with all three of them there could be a need to reconfigure the connectivity details to it.
This repository follows a very common general facility based implementation. The implementation is of a facility, we have named MCTN for an application we have named MMS. This implementation specifically defines one FHIR endpoint per FHIR resource.
- This respository acts as an HTTP/HTTP(s) secure endpoint for processing FHIR Data. Each FHIR Resource has a specifically defined URL endpoint. It posts the transactions and gets a response back.
- iDAAS Connect FHIR will do the following actions:
a. Receive the FHIR message. Internally, it will audit the data it received to a specifically defined topic.
b. The FHIR message will then be processed to a specifically defined topic for this implementation. There is a specific topic pattern - for the facility and application each data type has a specific topic define for it. For example: MCTN_MMS_AdverseEvent, MCTN_MMS_Consent, etc.
c. If the code is enabled then the FHIR resource data can be sent to an external FHIR server. If and external FHIR server is configured the respomse from it will then be sent back to the FHIR client.
d. The response is also sent to the auditing topic location.
This section will cover both local and automated builds.
Within the code base you can find the local build commands in the /platform-scripts directory
- Run the script It will run the maven commands to build and then package up the solution. The package will use the usual settings in the pom.xml file. It pulls the version and concatenates the version to the output jar it builds. Additionally, there is a copy statement to remove any specific version, so it outputs idaas-connect-hl7.jar
Automated Builds are going to be done in Azure Pipelines
We maintain all enhancements within the Git Hub portal under the projects tab
All defects or bugs should be submitted through the Git Hub Portal under the issues tab
You can always leverage Red Hat Healthcare's ZuilpChat area and find all the specific areas for iDAAS-Connect-FHIR. We look forward to any feedback!!
If you would like to contribute feel free to, contributions are always welcome!!!!
Happy using and coding....