- Authenticity:
- Availability:
- Black Hat:
- Black Team: Refers more on hardware hacking/pentesting.
- Blue Team:
- Compliance:
- Confidential: any data leakage, loss or damage of which can cause harm to data originator, owner, company or customer
- Confidentiality:
- Crown Jewel:
- DLP (Data Loss Prevention):
- Dumpster Diving:
- EDR:
- Firewall:
- Grey Hat:
- Integrity:
- Malware:
- Non-Repudiation:
- Patch:
- Penetration Testing:
- Phishing:
- Public: freely shared information
- Purple Team:
- Red Team:
- Risk:
- Scareware:
- Sensitive: any data leakage, loss or damage of which can cause significant harm to data originator, owner, company or customer
- Social Engineering:
- Spam:
- Spyware:
- Threat Intel:
- Threat:
- Virus:
- Vulnerability:
- White Hat:
- XDR: