Loops, light, and sound. These are the things I chose to explore in my codes. I have explored makecode a good amount and always find myself having an endless amount of questions about it. Throughout this process, I decided to see what I could with these 3 elements, loops, light, and sound, and how they could influence each other.
I began by experimenting with my three main components. I began by exploring each tab and seeing what my options were. I decided to test out the "on light (dark/light)" block. Into this block, I plugged in a sound block and selected that on dark it plays a jump up sound.
I continued to explore this same concept of light, sound, and loops. I added into this equation if and then problems with the "while (true/false) do" and selected the true option into this block and inserted the play sound and light block. I then duplicated this and experimented with the lighting option further.
In program three I tried to further explore the possibilities of makecode and if then blocks. I inserted a logic block using comparison in place of the true function. I'm honestly not sure what this does but it seems to make a difference in the results of the CPx. I also played around with the lighting futures more as to the animations of the LEDs and "on light" options.
enjoy my sweet and beautiful (or possibly annoying) voice