Simple bash script to determine primary IP address using ip addr and netstat -rn
# Get the default gateway interface
gateway_interface=$(netstat -rn | awk '$1 == "" {print $8}')
# Get the IP address for that interface using 'ip addr'
primary_ip=$(ip addr show $gateway_interface | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' )
echo "Primary IP Address: $primary_ip"
or in python:
import subprocess
# Get the default gateway interface
gateway_interface_cmd = "netstat -rn | awk '$1 == \"\" {print $8}'"
gateway_interface = subprocess.getoutput(gateway_interface_cmd).strip()
# Get the IP address for that interface using 'ip addr'
primary_ip_cmd = f"ip addr show {gateway_interface} | grep 'inet ' | awk '{{print $2}}' | cut -d'/' -f1"
primary_ip = subprocess.getoutput(primary_ip_cmd).strip()
print(f"Primary IP Address: {primary_ip}")