This has been written to support the simple case of just needing a file for some situation.
Download it from Bintray
- Launch the DadagenUI (the jar is "Double Clickable")
- Double Click
- java -jar dadagen-ui-0.2.9.jar
- Copy in your confguration
- Specify How many Rows you want
- Specify the Output Filename
- Choose your file type (CSV, JSON, XML)
- Click Generate and DadagenUI will get to work.
This is a Screenshot of the Dadagen UI.
![Dadagen UI Screenshot] (../assets/Dadagen-UI-ScreenShot_v0.2.9.png)
- Outputs to CSV, JSON and XML File Formats using Jackson
- Uses RSyntaxArea Editor with the Scala Language
- The Configuration in the Editor is Scala. Therefore, with some magic thinking you can enhance your randomness
- Running with java -jar ... you will be able to alter the classpath, adding in your own generators.
- On startup, it selects a Random File Name to save as; Each iteration will prepend a incrementing number.