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Releases: ibm-bluemix-mobile-services/bms-clientsdk-swift-analytics

User location

15 Dec 22:49
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  • Collecting the user's current location automatically (when the Analytics.userIdentity changes or the app enters foreground) and manually with the new Analytics.logLocation() method. To opt in to automatic location collecting, there is a new parameter, collectLocation, in Analytics.initialize(appName:apiKey:hasUserContext:collectLocation:deviceEvents:).


  • In Swift 3 for iOS, DeviceEvent.lifecycle events were not being recorded because there was no observer watching for app foreground events.

Better documentation

21 Nov 17:04
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  • Proper API documentation. These API docs are automatically updated and re-published by the Travis-CI build when merging a pull request to the master branch.


  • Improved the organization and expanded the content of the README, including a clearer summary, a link to new API documentation, and more complete usage examples.

Automated version release process

02 Nov 16:06
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  • Automated the process for releasing new versions of BMSAnalytics using Travis-CI. Directly pushing to the master branch has been disabled, so new version releases must be done via a pull request to master and approved by an administrator. Once the pull request is merged, the Travis build will automatically release the new version if BMSAnalytics.podspec has been updated with a new version number.

Recording network request metadata

24 Oct 22:51
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    • By passing this value to the deviceEvents parameter of the Analytics.initialize(appName:apiKey:hasUserContext:deviceEvents:) method, metadata for all network requests made by Bluemix Mobile Services SDKs will be automatically recorded. This includes custom network requests made using BMSURLSession.

Uncaught exception stack traces

06 Oct 21:06
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  • Logging the stack trace that results from an uncaught NSException, which will appear in the Crash section of the Analytics dashboard.

Xcode 8 and Swift 3

29 Sep 21:29
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  • Support for the official Xcode 8 release (8A218a), including Swift 2.3 and 3.0. BMSAnalytics continues to support Xcode 7.3 and Swift 2.2 as well.
  • BMSAnalyticsError.noLogsToSend -- New error that indicates that there are no logs or analytics data to send, given in the completionHandler of Logger.send(completionHandler:) or Analytics.send(completionHandler:)


  • Analytics.send() and Logger.send() would make network requests to the Mobile Analytics Service even when there were no analytics or logs to send, resulting in an error returned by the service. Now, when there are no logs, these methods do not make any network requests, and instead return the error BMSAnalyticsError.noLogsToSend.


Analytics API

  • DeviceEvent.LIFECYCLE --> DeviceEvent.lifecycle
  • enabled --> isEnabled
  • initializeWithAppName(_:apiKey:hasUserContext:deviceEvents:) --> initialize(appName:apiKey:hasUserContext:deviceEvents:)
  • log(_:) --> log(metadata:)

Logger API

  • sdkDebugLoggingEnabled --> isInternalDebugLoggingEnabled
  • logStoreEnabled --> isLogStorageEnabled
  • logger(forName:) --> logger(name:)
  • debug(_:) --> debug(message:)
  • info(_:) --> info(message:)
  • warn(_:) --> warn(message:)
  • error(_:) --> error(message:)
  • fatal(_:) --> fatal(message:)

LogLevel API

  • None --> none
  • Analytics --> analytics
  • Fatal --> fatal
  • Error --> error
  • Warn --> warn
  • Info --> info
  • Debug --> debug

Fix version 1.2.1

20 Sep 18:20
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  • Stack traces from uncaught exceptions were not being logged correctly in BMSAnalytics 1.2.1. Stack traces have been temporarily removed.

[Broken] Bug fixes

14 Sep 22:02
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WARNING: This version is broken. Please upgrade to 1.2.2.


  • Recording the stack trace when capturing uncaught exceptions.
  • Sending improper JSON when calling Analytics.send() or Logger.send() with no analytics/logs recorded. This was causing the server to return an error that should not have occurred.

User Identity Fix

12 Sep 19:11
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  • Double counting users when setting the Analytics.userIdentity property.
  • Issue #5.


  • New default parameter hasUserContext in Analytics initializer. This parameter determines whether user identities are recorded by the developer or automatically recorded by BMSAnalytics.

Updated Dependency on BMSCore

31 Aug 22:27
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  • Changed dependency on BMSCore from 1.1.x to 1.x. This way, BMSAnalytics will not need a new release for every minor version update of BMSCore.