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108 lines (93 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (93 loc) · 10.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

1.0alpha1.5 - 2019-06-19


  • #165 Secure access to composed_of relationships.


  • #114 Add Polymorphic Models
  • #186 Allow components to override built-in event names (i.e. fires :click)
  • #185 Allow import of es6 modules that have a single component
  • #183 Add new Rails 6 active support methods: extract! and index_with
  • #180 sleep now returns a promise so it works nicely with Operations
  • #176 The render callback is now optional. See issue for details.
  • #168 Allow custom headers in ServerOps
  • #160 Allows for dynamically attaching events: .on(false || nil) is ignored.
  • #159 Hyperstack.connect behaves nicely if passed a dummy value.
  • #148 Rails installer works with existing Rails apps.
  • #146 Allow ActiveModel attribute methods to be overridden.


  • #196 The empty? method no longer forces fetch of entire collection
  • #195 UI will not update until after all relationships of a destroyed record are completely updated.
  • #194 Fetching STI models via scope and finder will now return the same backing record.
  • #193 Allow the super method in hyper-spec examples.
  • #192 Dummy values will be initialized with schema default value.
  • #191 Fixed incompatibility between the Router and Legacy style param method.
  • #181 Fixed nested class component lookup.
  • #179 Once an operation moves to the failed track it now stays on the failed track.
  • #178 Resetting system now correctly reinitializes all variables.
  • #173 Both sides of a relationship can be new and will get saved properly.
  • #170 HyperSpec pause method working again.
  • #169 Fixes to ActiveRecord model equality test.
  • #166 Allow Element#dom_node to work with native components.
  • #164 Insure state change notification when scopes change remotely.
  • #163 Ignore hotloader and hotloader errors during prerendering.
  • #154 Stop raising deprecation notices when using imports directive.
  • #153 .to_n working properly on Component classes.
  • #144 Timeout if connection between console and server fails.
  • #143 Errors#full_messages working properly.
  • #138 Count of has_many :through relations working properly
  • #126 Scopes no longer returning extra DummyValue.
  • #125 Belongs-to relationships on new records will react to updates to the relationship.
  • #120 renamed to new_record? (you can still use new? or override it)

1.4alpha - 2019-02-15


  • #117 Finder methods will return nil instead of raising access violations.


  • #120 Alias ActiveRecord::Base#new_record? to #new?.
  • #111 Add #ref method to Element class
  • #112 Add :init param to INPUT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA tags.


  • #128 Hyperspec improperly parses block parameters
  • #113 Can't use finder methods on a scope
  • #110 Mutate is executing AFTER render cycle completes causing issues with controlled inputs

1.3alpha - 2019-01-16


  • #102 Security hole in find_record method filled.


  • #62 set_jq method to capture element ref as a jQuery object
  • #70 New syntax and implementation for "while loading".
  • #72 Event handlers (i.e. on(:click)) can be specified at the component class level.
  • #73 before_render (runs before mounting & before updating) and after_render (runs after_mounting & after_updating)
  • #74 Alternative param_accessor_style :accessors option: Creates an instance method for each param. I.e. param :foo will add a foo method to the component.
  • #77 Ruby like rescues component call back. Define error handling at the component level - uses react error boundries under the hood.
  • #85 Add pluralize method to component. Works like Rails pluralize view helper.
  • #89 Automatically create ActiveRecord inverse relationships as needed. Previously both sides of the relationship had to be declared.
  • #90 Automatically load config/initializers/inflections.rb if present
  • #99 Better diagnostics for server access violations and other errors
  • #94 Hyperstack.anti_csrf_token returns the stack specific anti_csrf_token.


  • #62 jQuery now accessed by global jQ method (replacing DOM class)
  • #68 Renamed before_receives_props to before_new_params
  • #91 Rename triggers to fires


  • #70 Deprecated original while_loading method in favor of the WhileLoading mixin.


  • #106 updated unparser, mini-racer and libv8 versions
  • #76 Regression: Hotloader was not remounting lifecycle hooks.
  • #59 Component built in event names (i.e. click) were not working with triggers (aka fires) macro.
  • #63 Could not pass a component class as a param.
  • #64 Router's render method would not accept a simple string.
  • #65 observe and mutate Observer methods were returning nil.
  • #67 Hyper Model: while_loading was not working with loading scopes. This is is also working properly with the new WhileLoading mixin.
  • #75 Router redirect was not working in prerendering.
  • #78 Hyper Model: client scope optimization was not working if all scope is dummy or unknown.
  • #79 Hyper Model: count of scope was unnecessarily replaced with a dummy "1".
  • #81 Hyper Model: Comparing a unloaded scope with a loaded empty scope was returning TRUE
  • #82 Hyper Model: Loading a parent scope was not triggering client side scoping of children
  • #88 Models were not using pluralize when computing inverse names
  • #97 Policies were not guaranteed to load in non-server environments (i.e. rake tasks.)
  • #98 Could not use regulate_class_connection outside of policy classes.
  • #101 Hyper Operation validation errors were not reported to client properly
  • #105 Hyper Model records were not persisted in the order created