cd /your/catkin/workspace/src/
git clone
cd /your/catkin/workspace/
catkin b r3live_tools
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun camera_calibration --size 8x6 --square 0.04 image:=/image_color
Get some Bag files that record Image
and Pointcloud2
topic for a few second.
Place your bag files for calibration in the /path/to/r3live_tools/bags
roslaunch r3live_tools bag_to_image_and_pcd.launch file_name:=__bag_file__.bag image_topic:=/camera/image_color
./scripts/ 0
# export ./calib/images/0.jpg and ./calib/pcds/0.pcd
Repeat for the number of bag files placed.
Build livox_camera_calib
according to the in the link above.
Fix common
and camera
parameter in multi_calib.yaml
by the command below.
rosed livox_camera_calib multi_calib.yaml
# Data path. adjust them!
common: # <- Modify to your path.
image_path: "/path/to/r3live_tools/calib/images"
pcd_path: "/path/to/r3live_tools/calib/pcds"
result_path: "/path/to/r3live_tools/calib/extrinsic.txt"
data_num: 3
# Camera Parameters. Adjust them!
camera: # <- Modify the parameters to those obtained in camera_calibration
camera_matrix: [1704.1857 , 0.0, 886.5115,
0.0, 1719.5228, 467.9244,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
dist_coeffs: [-0.0963, 0.0708, 0.0011, -0.0017, 0.000000]
# Calibration Parameters.!
calib_config_file: "/path/to/livox_camera_calib/config/config_outdoor.yaml"
use_rough_calib: true # set true if your initial_extrinsic is bad
Start calibration with the command below.
roslaunch livox_camera_calib multi_calib.launch
Run the calibration on several files, and if the image and point cloud fit well adopt the extrinsic.txt
The rotation matrix in extrinsic.txt
needs to be transposed.
# Export
# camera_ext_R:
# array([ 0.00483695, 0.0733586 , 0.997294 , -0.999731 , -0.022263 ,
# 0.00648639, 0.0226786 , -0.997057 , 0.0732312 ])
# camera_ext_T:
# array([-0.35275 , -0.159217, -0.24572 ])
Copy the calculated parameters onto the r3live/config/r3live_config.yaml
and modify the camera
parameters to those obtained in camera_calibration.
roslaunch r3live_tools r3live_bag.launch