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class: middle, center, title-slide

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Lecture: Artificial General Intelligence

Prof. Gilles Louppe
[email protected]



Towards generally intelligent agents?

  • Artificial general intelligence
  • AIXI
  • Artifical life

.footnote[$^*$: Take today's lecture with a grain of salt. Image credits: CS188, UC Berkeley.]

class: middle

.grid[.kol-1-6[].kol-2-3[.width-100[]]] .grid[.kol-1-6[].kol-2-3[.width-100[]]]

.caption[From technological breakthroughs...]

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.grid[ .kol-3-4[


.caption[... to press coverage.] ] .kol-1-4[ .center.width-80[] .center.width-80[] .center.width-80[] .center.width-80[] ] ]

class: middle


Artificial narrow intelligence

Today's artificial intelligence remains narrow:

  • AI systems often reach super-human level performance, ... but only at very specific problems!
  • They do not generalize to the real world nor to arbitrary tasks.

class: middle

The case of AlphaGo

Convenient properties of the game of Go:

  • Deterministic (no noise in the game).
  • Fully observed (each player has complete information)
  • Discrete action space (finite number of actions possible)
  • Perfect simulator (the effect of any action is known exactly)
  • Short episodes (200 actions per game)
  • Clear and fast evaluation (as stated by Go rules)
  • Huge dataset available (games)


class: middle


.center[Can we run AlphaGo on a robot?]


  • Deterministic: Yes.
  • Fully observed: Almost.
  • Discrete action space: Yes
  • Perfect simulator: Nope! Not at all.
  • Short episodes: Not really...
  • Clear and fast evaluation: Not good.
  • Huge dataset available: Nope.


Artificial general intelligence, or AGI, is the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can perform.

The scientific community agrees that AGI would be required to do the following:

  • reason, use strategy, solve puzzle, plan,
  • make judgments under uncertainty,
  • represent knowledge, including commonsense knowledge,
  • improve and learn new skills,
  • communicate in natural language,
  • be creative,
  • integrate all these skills towards common goals.

This is similar to our definition of thinking rationally, but applied broadly to any set of tasks.

class: middle

Roads towards AGI

Several working hypothesis:

  1. Learning (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement)
  2. AIXI
  3. Artificial life

... or probably something else?

class: middle


class: middle, center


.pull-right[David Silver et al, 2021.]

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.footnote[Image credits: David Silver et al, "Reward is enough", 2021.]

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Could AI be perceived as creative? (Jürgen Schmidhuber)



Learning can yield creativity and curiosity, but it is not clear whether this is enough to reach AGI.

class: middle


AIXI (Hutter, 2005) is a theoretical mathematical formalism of artificial general intelligence.

class: center

.grid[ .kol-1-6[[]] .kol-3-4[
Occam: Prefer the simplest consistent hypothesis.] ] .grid[ .kol-1-6[[]] .kol-3-4[
Epicurus: Keep all consistent hypotheses.] ] .grid[ .kol-1-6[[]] .kol-3-4[
Bayes: $P(h|d) = \frac{P(d|h)P(h)}{P(d)}$] ] .grid[ .kol-1-6[[]] .kol-3-4[
Turing: It is possible to invent a single machine which can be used to compute any computable sequence.] ] .grid[ .kol-1-6[[]] .kol-3-4[
Solomonoff: Use computer programs $\mu$ as hypotheses/environments.] ]

class: middle

AIXI defines a measure of universal intelligence as $$\Upsilon(\pi) := \sum_{\mu \in E} 2^{-K(\mu)} V^{\pi}_\mu$$


  • $\Upsilon(\pi)$ formally defines the universal intelligence of an agent $\pi$.
  • $\mu$ is the environment of the agent and $E$ is the set of all computable reward bounded environments.
  • $V^{\pi}_\mu = \mathbb{E}[ \sum_{i=1}^\infty R_i ]$ is the expected sum of future rewards when the agent $\pi$ interacts with environment $\mu$.
  • $K(.)$ is the Kolmogorov complexity, such that $2^{-K(\mu)}$ weights the agent's performance in each environment, inversely proportional to its complexity.


Mix all items together (Solomonoff induction with decision theory) and you get AIXI.

Intuitively, $K(\mu)$ measures the complexity of the shortest Universal Turing Machine program that describes the environment $\mu$.

class: middle


$$\bar{\Upsilon} = \max_\pi \Upsilon(\pi) = \Upsilon(\pi^\text{AIXI})$$

.center[ $\pi^\text{AIXI}$ is a perfect theoretical agent. ]

class: middle

System identification

  • Which Turing machine is the agent in? If it knew, it could plan perfectly.
  • Use the Bayes rule to update the agent beliefs given its experience so far.


class: middle

Acting optimally

  • The agent always picks the action which has the greatest expected reward.
  • For every environment $\mu \in E$, the agent must:
    • Take into account how likely it is that it is facing $\mu$ given the interaction history so far, and the prior probability of $\mu$.
    • Consider all possible future interactions that might occur, assuming optimal future actions.
    • Evaluate how likely they are.
    • Then select the action that maximizes the expected future reward.

class: middle


.footnote[Credits: Andrej Karpathy, Where will AGI come from?]


  • The best action a_t is the best action to some x_t, plus one more step.
  • Note that we also simulate updates of the posterior.
  • The equation embodies in one line the major ideas of Bayes, Ockham, Epicurus, Turing, von Neumann, Bellman, Kolmogorov, and Solomonoff. The AIXI agent is rigorously shown by [Hut05] to be optimal in many different senses of the word.

class: middle

AIXI is incomputable


.footnote[Credits: Andrej Karpathy, Where will AGI come from?]

class: middle

Benefits of AIXI

The AIXI theoretical formalism of AGI provides

  • a high-level blue-print or inspiration for design;
  • common terminology and goal formulation;
  • understand and predict behavior of yet-to-be-built agents;
  • appreciation of fundamental challenges (e.g., exploration-exploitation);
  • definition/measure of intelligence.

class: middle

Artificial life

Artificial life

Study of systems related to natural life, its processes and its evolution, through the use of simulations with computer models, robotics or biochemistry.

One of its goals is to synthesize life in order to understand its origins, development and organization.


.caption[How did intelligence arise in Nature?]

class: middle


There are three main kinds of artificial life, named after their approaches:

  • Software approaches (soft)
  • Hardware approaches (hard)
  • Biochemistry approaches (wet)

The field of AI has traditionally used a top down approach. Artificial life generally works from the bottom up.


Artificial life is related to AI since synthesizing complex life forms would, hypothetically, induce intelligence.

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Wet artificial life: The line between life and not-life (Martin Hanczyc).




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Wet artificial life: The line between life and not-life (Martin Hanczyc). ]

Evolutionary algorithms

Evolution may hypothetically be interpreted as an (unknown) algorithm.

  • This algorithm gave rise to AGI (e.g., it induced humans).
  • Simulation of the evolutionary process should/could eventually reproduce life and, maybe, intelligence?


Using software simulation, we can work at a high level of abstraction.

  • We don't have to simulate physics or chemistry to simulate evolution.
  • We can also bootstrap the system with agents that are better than random.

class: middle

Conway's Game of Life

  • Any live cell with two or three live neighbours survives.
  • Any dead cell with three live neighbours becomes a live cell.
  • All other live cells die in the next generation. Similarly, all other dead cells stay dead.


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Conway's game of life ]

class: middle

Evolutionary algorithms as metaheuristic optimization algorithms

  1. Start with a random population of creatures.
  2. Repeat until termination:
    1. Each creature is tested for their ability to perform a given task.
    2. Select the fittest creatures for reproduction.
    3. Breed new creatures by combining and mutating the virtual genes of their selected parents.
    4. Replace the least-fit creatures of the population with new creatures.

As this cycle of variation and selection continues, creatures with more and more successful behaviors may emerge.


Virtual genes could be artificial neural networks.

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Karl Sims, 1994. ]


Bootstrapped the field.

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<iframe width="640" height="420" src="" frameborder="0" volume="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Self-assembling morphologies (Pathak et al, 2019) ]

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<iframe width="640" height="420" src="" frameborder="0" volume="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Mini-documentary: Artifical life ]


Jump to 6:40.

class: middle, center


Creatures avoiding planks [demo].

class: middle

Environments for AGI?

For the emergence of generally intelligent creatures, environments should incentivize the emergence of a cognitive toolkit (attention, memory, knowledge representation, reasoning, emotions, forward simulation, skill acquisition, ...).


.footnote[Credits: Andrej Karpathy, Where will AGI come from?]

class: middle

Multi-agent environments are certainly better because of:

  • Variety: the environment is parameterized by its agent population. The optimal strategy must be derived dynamically.
  • Natural curriculum: the difficulty of the environment is determined by the skill of the other agents.

class: end-slide, center count: false

The end.